SellerPlus For Amazon
Enhance the Amazon Seller Central Experience.
1 user
PentestBar Pro
Advanced pentesting with automated vulnerability scanning and real-time alerts.
1 user
Huntlee Plugin
Сохраняйте информацию о кандидатах в один клик.
1 user
PAGE1 SEO Backlink Checker
The PAGE1 SEO Backlink Checker extension allows users to check and display all backlinks on the visited webpage.
1 user
Enhanced Text View
Renders ANSI SGR escape codes when viewing .txt files in your browser.
1 user
Pollee - AI Study Assistant A Firefox extension that combines: - Real-time text-to-speech synthesis - AI-powered page context understanding (GPT-4) - Interactive chat with webpage content - Automated note generation - Voice customization
1 user
Simple Percentage Calculator
Easily calculate percentages from a score and total.
1 user
Text Search Pro
TextSearch: Highlight keywords on web pages for quick and easy content navigation.
1 user
Gesture-Based Navigation
Navigate between tabs and execute browser commands using mouse gestures.
1 user
Switch between http-S
A button to quickly manually switch between httpS and http for current tab
1 user
MIA : MOCA Intelligent Assistant
MocaMoney lets you send money – once or recurring payments – to anyone, anywhere, anytime…in real-time, and all you need is an email address.
1 user
Joker's 📋 Copyboard Firefox Addon.
1 user
Gigabyte Motherboard Specification Sorter
Сортирует списки в разделе "Спецификации" материнских плат официального сайта Gigabyte.
1 user
WIVA - Web Information Verification Authority
WIVA [Web Information Verification Authority] verifies and validates information access in a websites. WIVA provide access to check website information verification status, Rate Website and information accessed, Report Scam and misleading websites.
1 user
Toggle Fullscreen Button
Light blue full screen button
1 user
Adds an element in the short rest slider to display health as you roll dice
1 user
Улучшает качество Preview картинок. Добавляет функцию скачивания изображений по одной кнопке.
1 user
SetDate Nou
Insere intervalo de data ao calendário
1 user
TabCookie Explorer
Effortlessly explore and list cookies within the active tab, enabling users to monitor and manage website data for enhanced browsing privacy.
1 user
Removes the annoying blank sidebar on the right side of <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
1 user
Quick Notepad
A simple notepad for your browser to quickly jot down ideas or tasks.
1 user
Owlie - Youtube assistant
Interact with YouTube videos through AI: ask questions, summarize and search for keywords spoken in the video.
1 user
L'extension navigateur qui vous permet de voir le statut en temps réel de vos commandes et de vos stocks
1 user
Image Toggle
Toggle visibility of all images on the webpage.
1 user