Erase browsing history traces for a chosen website.
1 user
A browser extension to keep track of your water consumption
1 user
Helps collect daily log in bonuses like a buddy would
1 user
Find next page Improved
Go to the next page when pressing Space at the end of the page
1 user
Color Picker v3
Easily pick colors and get their HEX and RGB values.
1 user
"AutoDIM" is a utility that automatically refreshes the DIM (Destiny Item Manager) page every few minutes. With this utility, you can automatically update your data on DIM without having to do it manually.
1 user
Quick Clear Data
Quickly clear your browsing data with just one click.
1 user
Links Saver
a light extension that saves favourite links and URL in browser's storage with just two clicks while this feature exists in most browser (favourites) this add-on is for those whom find the favourites folder crowded and difficult to navigate through
1 user
Hamro CSIT Question Tracker
Track the status of questions on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/bbf497c6da726a3178263e464078b5a3dc25f7953caccdd2af427ee8b550406f/http%3A//hamrocsit.com" rel="nofollow">hamrocsit.com</a>. Currently the site doesn't have a feature to mark solved questions as completed or pending etc. This extension adds the functionality where users can mark their progress for a question.
1 user
Tracks your time between websites
1 user
Survey Dynamix for GC 66
Enables auto transfer to a Survey Dynamix survey when a call ends on Genesys Cloud's Embeddable Framework
1 user
Une petite add-on non-officiel pour toujours avoir les services de Framasoft sous la main. DéGAFAMisons Internet !
1 user
WCAG Mini Check
A small utility for testing WCAG accessibility criterias 1.4.1 and 1.4.12
1 user
Custom Word Boundaries
Redefine word boundaries for Ctrl+Arrow, Ctrl+Backspace, and Ctrl+Delete. Basically, it treats alphanumeric and non alphanumeric characters separately.
1 user
Text Color Reader
Automatically adjust text color on webpages to improve readability.
1 user
Auto Tab Organizer
Automatically organizes tabs into groups based on their content and title.
1 user
Simple Hotkey Assigner
Assign custom hotkeys to perform basic actions on a webpage.
1 user
Allows the specification of custom syntax highlighting for markdown snippets on (public) github repository pages.
1 user
Link Validator
Verify the validity of all links on a webpage.
1 user
Page Mood Lighting
Automatically adjusts screen brightness based on the content of the webpage.
1 user
Cloudflare Zone Folder
This extension allows you to divide your Cloudflare Zones/Domains into folders.
1 user
linkedin Jobs exporter
Use this extension to save and export Linkedin jobs.
1 user
Bullfrog Click to Call
This extension allows you to highlight phone numbers and right click to dial them like a tel: link.
1 user
A QR Code Generator - Mohajiho
Generate QR code from selected text. There's no need to manually close the popup window, It will automatically close after 15 seconds. 1. Select a text 2. Right-click on the selected text 3. Select "Generate QR Code" from the context menu
1 user