Allows for easier focusing of web page input boxes
1 user
Repair show img in chrono24 email on
1 user
Yet Another Hints Extension
A simple hit-a-hint extension
1 user
Text Direction Toggler
Toggle webpage text direction (LTR/RTL) with a single click.
1 user
Quickly Edit PDF Creator
To convert the web page to Quickly Edit PDF
1 user
Link Preview Enhancer
Show link previews (meta descriptions or thumbnails) when hovering over links.
1 user
Remove NSFW Popup on Sociopath Community
Removes the NSFW popup that appears on, offering a smoother and uninterrupted browsing experience
1 user
Evaluate - Run Code Anytime, Anywhere
Execute any code snippet on any website with Evaluate.
1 user - Watch Anime Fast
Tiện ích giúp bạn xem phim nhanh hơn với server Facebook.
1 user
Selective Cookie Remover
Remove cookies from selected domains
1 user
Like slapper
Adds a slap animation on youtube like (or dislike) click.
1 user
Word Unscrambler
Unscramble any word and win all word games!
1 user
Make <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> usable without needing Flash.
1 user
Remplace les termes violences policières par opérations de maintien de l'ordre contre les islamo-gauchistes.
1 user
Document Sending
This extension verifies content on 3rd party web applications
1 user
Add a context menu item to translate the current tab to Pig-Elvish.
1 user
Funny extension that screams if you spend too much time on selected web-sites
1 user
ACFUN时空资源搜索器(修改自AcFun-CIP by SimonTart)
1 user
Always redirect to specified version of the python docs.
1 user
History transmitter
This addon sends all accessed pages to a user defined server via HTTP/HTTPS.
1 user
LS Toolkit App
This extension is specifically designed to enhance the user experience for retailers using Lightspeed. Lightspeed @ Warpspeed!
1 user
NPM nested dependencies count
Show the total number of nested depencies for an npm package.
1 user
GoTo maker
Create GoTo files directly from your browser.
1 user
Local Archiver
Archive page using a local instance of ArchiveBox
1 user
Deer Timestamp Add-On allow you to convert a Unix timestamp into a human readable date. A human readable date can be converted into timestamp too. Add-On support iso8601 and UTC format. Display timestamp in seconds or milliseconds.
1 user