Perfect PDF to Word Converter
Convert your PDF documents to WORD format with perfect formatting.
269 users
Online Linux - XLinux console & terminal
Online Linux that provides a terminal and console to a small Linux virtual machine
269 users
Markdown Reader
Helps you better preview markdown documents.
269 users
Javascript Control
Add a button in the url bar to block or enable javascript per-site. Default is javascript disabled.
269 users
Ctrl + Shift + C Should Copy
Intercepts Ctrl+Shift+C, blocks opening developer tools, and copies the selection to the clipboard.
269 users
ASS Danmaku
Download danmaku / comments in ASS format from AcFun, bilibili, and, Niconico. Watch video on supported site, and danmaku download button will appear on the right of address bar.
269 users
MeasuringU-IQ Survey Extension
This extension is used for support of MeasuringU surveys on our survey platform MU-IQ. It allows to record user's actions like mouse clicks, mouse movements, visited pages, and also it supports screen recording.
269 users
Translate Menu
Adds Translate to the context menu. Open Google Translate in a new tab and translate the page or selection text into your browser preferred language.
268 users
Capture webpages from Mozilla Firefox and save with Mybase Desktop 7/8
268 users
Adds a browser action icon to the toolbar to take control of deezer tab.
268 users for Firefox helps you remember everything you have to do and manage all your individual and team projects.
268 users
Double Click New Tab
Open links as background tabs by Double clicking links
267 users
Lepšia očkovacia registrácia
Vylepšenie (NCZI) očkovacieho formuláru. Pridáva ukladanie vyplneného formuláru. Ide o alfa verziu, prosím skontrolujte si správnosť údajov po doplnení.
266 users
Copy As Text
Copy web content as plain text using context menu
266 users
Enable Google Generative AI
Enable Google Generative AI in Firefox.
265 users
Gitako - Github file tree
Gitako is a file tree extension for GitHub, available on Firefox, Chrome, and Edge. Video intro: Homepage:
265 users
Delete History
Delete browsing history. Provides configurations to delete or ignore history entries based on website domain/host.
264 users
all reload
You can reload all tabs from right clicking context menu.
264 users
Redirect Click'n'Load
Redirect Click'n'Load to remote pyload or jDownloader
264 users
Glassdoor Easy Access
Bypass Glassdoor login wall
264 users
TeamCity Notifier
Shows notifications about various events in TeamCity
264 users
ThiWeb Crypt / Decrypt
Automatically Encrypt and decrypt links on forum Usable only logged-in (except extension popup)
263 users
xorkeesign India G2C
Digitally sign tax and other returns in government of India citizen-facing web applications.
263 users
Twitter Volume Control
Adds a volume control to native twitter videos
263 users
Hexofy Scraper - Web Scraping + AI
1-Click Data Capture & Web Scraping Tool Enhanced with AI Web scraping + AI = Magic! Hexofy’s AI assistant lets you perform GPT tasks on any data you capture or the page you’re browsing with just one click.
263 users