Reddit Block
Blocks reddit and redirects to technical blogs.
102 users
Banglarbhumi Easyprint
Now you can easily print Bangalrbhumi Dag & Khatian Information with a single click.
102 users
TorahTab by Sefaria
Learn Torah daily!
101 users
Toggle Document Design Mode (WebExtension)
This addon lets you edit any page! Press Shift+Alt+D to toggle document.designMode = 'on'/'off'. The logo is CC0 from here
101 users
YouTube Live Stream Latency Mitigator
This extension syncs YouTube live streams in real-time by accelerating viewer-delayed streams caused by data reception delays.
101 users
Certificate Viewer for Humans
Computers can read PEM encoded certificates. Hummans cannot. This extension might help. Try out on this page Select the certificate, right click and 'Print certificate contents'. If no text is selected, it searches in clipboard
101 users
养基宝 - 实时查看基金收益
101 users
Facility for providing keyboard built-in to a web page.
100 users
FocusSurfing - Block Distracting Websites
FocusSurfings is a firefox extension that you can use to help keep you focused and productive. This is done by limiting the amount of time on those pesky websites you love but spend way too much time on them.
100 users
Extension that allows you to interact with webpages using your voice and talon
100 users
Project Plans editor
Create and edit project plans with ProjectLibre online
100 users
Google Search By Image NG
Right-click on an image and search on Google Image
100 users
Fix Contrast
Fix color contrast issues on websites automatically.
100 users
Neo Diggler
Neo Diggler is a small but powerful add-on for Firefox. It adds a customisable menu button next to the address bar with navigation and modification actions relevant to the current URL.
99 users
AntiCaptcha automatic captcha solver v3
This plugin allows you to automatically solve CAPTCHAs found on any webpage.
99 users
Hides elements that contain keywords set by user
99 users
GitHub Issue Link Status
Colorize issue and PR links to see their status (open, closed, merged)
99 users
Font Detector
Detects font properties and styles
99 users
iDownloader launcher
This add on Provides browser with a "Download link With iDownloader" option. Just right click on any download link and select "Download with iDownloader".
99 users
Close Window Button
Toolbar button to close current window
99 users
AniList Extras (Updated)
Adds a few additional features to AniList. An updated fork of AniList extras by pilar6195.
99 users
A port of Tab Toggle by firesofmay legacy addon to Firefox Quantum and higher versions Pressing ALT-Q will switch to previous tab. Repeating this will toggle between two tabs.
99 users
Swap cookies
Swap cookies between different cookie "profiles" per website (and create new ones on the fly) to alleviate the pain of having several accounts for some sites. No need to log in and out, just swap the cookies! For more, try Firefox Containers.
99 users
Allow to override any content type containing json to application/json. Can be very useful to override vendor specific content type.
99 users
Paste Email (Original) for Quantum
Paste pre-defined text into any input field
99 users