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71 users
semRush website rank badge
showing the current webpage's website rank on the extension icon
70 users
YouTube Pauser
Single click the icon to play/pause the leftmost YouTube tab, double click to skip. The icon shows elapsed time and video length.
70 users
Use Alt+Shift with the left and right arrow keys to navigate your tabs in the order you've used them. Alt+Shift+◀ to go back, Alt+Shift+▶ to go forward. Simple like that.
70 users
Gmail (Pin Tab)
Switch to Gmail (Pin Tab) with a single click or a Hot Key (Alt+2)! Additionally, this add-on will also display indications about new emails.
70 users
Pin Tabs
Pins homepage URLs as tabs
70 users
A web extension for quickly and easily rehosting images.
70 users
Claude Prompt Manager
A browser extension to manage and apply prompts for Claude.
70 users
Control the X-Wikimedia-Debug header on HTTP requests.
70 users
Brook Feed Reader
The Brook Feed reader is a minimal feed reader that keeps subscriptions to your favorite sites close at hand.
69 users
Simple Bookmarks Tree
Simple Bookmarks Tree
69 users
Activates Content Meter library for web-pages.
69 users
Android SDK Search
Adds an 'ad' Awesome Bar command and view source links for the Android SDK.
69 users
Proxy activator
This addon allows you to enable and disable use of a proxy, which was manually specified in the browser settings.
69 users
Markdown to JIRA
A right click menu entry to automatically convert Markdown syntax in JIRA's Markup (and the other way around).
69 users
Always On Top for Video Tag
=============== Windows Only =============== You should see a icon in the address bar of your browser if there are any video tags on your page.
69 users
Vtop Captcha Solver
Solve your vtop captchas automatically on Firefox now!
69 users
Anti Tumblr Infinite Scroll
Disables infinite scrolling in Tumblr themes and loads the next page the "natural" way instead
69 users
LeetHub v2
Automatically integrate your Leetcode & GeeksforGeeks submissions to GitHub
68 users
68 users
default_playback_speed mk
This is an add-on that allows you to modify the initial playback speed of your video player. It is compatible with several video streaming platforms.
68 users
r/anime Enhanced
Add functionalities to r/anime and r/manga
68 users
Ignore Google Scripts
Ignore Google scripts and route Google CDN to Cloudflare.
68 users
Last Visited Toolip
Shows last visit time in link toolips.
68 users
An extension to scroll automatically on Ultimate Guitar
68 users