150 users
Bandcamp Scrobbler
Scrobble albums on Bandcamp to
149 users
Start Page - Time & Date
Display's daily wallpaper on new tabs as well as date and time.
149 users
PDF Tools - Convert, Resize & Merge
Manipulate PDF documents via Ghostscript interpreter right in your browser.
148 users
Larger YouTube videos in theater mode
Automatically switch to theater mode and use all available space in your browser window to display the video as large as possible.
147 users
Youtube Video Effects
This is a must-have extension for YouTube. You can: choose and apply video filters/effects to YouTube player in real-time, auto HD, Adblock, infinity mode, remove black bars around video, etc. More detail here:
147 users
InstaChat in Sidebar
Displays a sidebar that lets you talk to your friends.
147 users
iCloud Fullscreen
iCloud fullscreen, as the name implies, is your iCloud apps in a gorgeous fullscreen window. It’s an amazing way to experience iCloud, distraction free.
147 users
Grafik anzeigen
Dieses Addon fügt die Funktion ''Grafik anzeigen'' erneut hinzu.
147 users
Скриншот на VFL.Ru
С помощью этого дополнения вы можете создать скриншот (снимок) страницы и моментально разместить его на фотохостинге VFL.Ru, получив ссылку на страницу с созданным скриншотом, которую можно отправить тем, кому вы хотели бы показать скриншот.
146 users
Aurora Player
Open the current video in the Aurora Player app for stunning glow effects.
146 users
Watch Later
Allows you to add any video to the list of "to watch" in easy way. Watch Later allows you to save title, link to the video and time when you stopped watching video. Supports autofill data for YouTube.
146 users
Image editor PaintMagick for photos
PaintMagick to create and edit photos and images online using a web browser
146 users
Bandcamp Volume Slider
Adds volume slider to Bandcamp music pages keeps volume set per artist
146 users
YouTube™ Stop Button
Adds an stop button to HTML5 player to prevent YouTube from buffering video
145 users
Youtube Screenshot
Takes a screenshot of a youtube video on pressing Shift + A
145 users
Youtube Thumbnail Downloader
View and Download YouTube thumbnail in 1 Single Click.
145 users
Youtube Zero Annotations
Watch Youtube Videos without the annoying Annotations + Texts and Clickable Links in Videos. It removes also Annotations from all Embedded HTML5 + Flash Players on All Websites, Domains and Blogs. The new Version 1.0.7 Removes All Annotations.
144 users
Builds the list of all images displayed on the current page and generates the HTML code needed to embed a photo gallery or mosaic in your blog or website. Works with Google Photos, Flickr, Instagram...
144 users
UploadCC: Screen Capture Tool (Share or Save)
Simple Screen Capture Tool Select the area which you want to capture. You can choose to upload it and share with your friend or download it.
144 users
Open YouTube in a new tab
This Firefox addon adds a YouTube button to the top toolbar. This button opens YouTube in a new tab.
144 users
Automatically tries out yum codes which can be redeemed on for free digital tracks or albums.
143 users
Show YouTube comments while watching
Show YouTube comments on the right of the video.
143 users
Video Rotator Deluxe (VRD)
Rotate videos on the web how you want!
143 users
Auto hide next up card for Amazon Prime Video
Hide next up card and other obtrusive elements of Amazon Prime Video.
142 users