MOYP - Mantle of your privacy (Скрытность в сети)
Скрывайте свои персональные данные вместе с MOYP, которые в фоновом режиме получает ваш браузер. Устанавливайте расширение и наслаждайтесь большей свободой. Hide your personal data from everyone using MOYP.
2 users
GlobeCyber Safe Payment
اعتبار سنجی درگاه پرداخت آنلاین
2 users
Blurs the webpage when the mouse exits the view.
2 users
Liberty Arrow
Block any distracting websites you want. Just go to the extension settings page and add the domain name or any substring of the page's URL in it.
2 users
Supplemental adblocking for Twitch. Blanks and mutes the video when an ad appears to be playing. Meant for use with other adblockers.
2 users
TLD Blocker
Prevent browser from accessing specific Top-Level Domains (TLDs).
2 users
Data Breach Info
Be secure and protected. Get information about all data breaches.
2 users
A Firefox extension to create single-use bookmarks.
2 users
Submit a URL to capture to a lookyloo instance
2 users
Bloque les pubs sur Pixlr E/X.
2 users
Origin Enforcer
Restores the control to the user and provides a security sandbox for cross domain and third party calls from websites. Websites now need your permission to make background cross domain calls, protecting you from malware and mass surveillance.
2 users
Die Datenkrake Google ist auf nahezu allen Webseiten zu finden. Blockiere Google und lasse es nur zu wenn du es brauchst.
2 users
A open-source browser extension that offers a secure, usable and scalable alternative to existing password and federation-based user authentication schemes.
2 users Skipper
Automatically skips URLs generated by
2 users
Removes the invisible clickable overlay on 1337x.
2 users
HLNPlus Remover
Remove all the HLNPlus articles from the website
2 users
FOSS Redirect
Redirects various sites to their alternative free and open source frontends.
2 users
ChatGPT Text Modifier
Modifie le texte de version de 4 à 3.5 sur dans les canaux.
2 users
Removes cookie popups or similar by modifying the CSS and HTML
2 users
My Public IP
Displays your current IP address using a publicly available server.
2 users
Transforms your text into code that can only be understood by users with the key.
2 users
YT Don't Recommend Button
Adds a custom button to YouTube video cards to block channels.Adds a custom button to YouTube video cards to block unwanted channels from recommendations
2 users
A mobile devtools for debugging web sites and applications with the console, DOM, network info, sources, and more.
2 users
MyData MyPass
A secure Password manager. It handles your username and password credentials for all web pages.
2 users
Cookie Privacy Scanner Plus
Scans cookies for potential privacy concerns and highlights them for users.
2 users