KB ID Finder
Ensures that GUID-based Microsoft Support pages list the technical KBIDs.
1 user
Smilo Browser Extension
A Smilo Wallet in your Browser
1 user
Port.hu Adblock Counterblocker
Removes Adblock blocking mechanism while browsing Port.hu Hu: A Porth.hu weboldal böngészhető Adblocker használatával egyidejűleg.
1 user
Link Looker
To clarify obfuscated URLs, to bypass unnessesary redirects and to remove tracking information embedded in link. Made by Glovebox
1 user
Open as HTTPS in a new tab
Add a context menu option to open a link by means of the HTTPS protocol in a new background tab.
1 user
Expire g00 Cookies
Reduce the number of cookies from the 'g00' subdomain saved to your browser by making those cookies expires after 2 minutes.
1 user
Trakkin Extension (trakkin.me)
This extension is similar to an ad blocker. To protect your personal data, it obscures the data that websites try to request from you in the background. It then politely asks them to pay you for your data. Once they've paid you, data flow resumes.
1 user
Copy2Clip Pass
An Extension that will copy password from password fields to clipboard without making it visible.
1 user
Tally Saves the Internet!
Tally is a browser extension that transforms the data advertisers collect into a multiplayer game.
1 user
Browser Adblock Extension that keeps your protected from trackers and ads. This is an Open Source Project.
1 user
Generates fake random values for fingerprints so they are unique in each session.
1 user
GNUnet Connector
An utility to use GNUnet in the browser and to use re:claim.
1 user
Extension provides a context menu to take the hash (MD5, SHA) of selected text in the browser.
1 user
yskproxy, manage pac easy and comfortable
1 user
ScamBLOX Plus is a multi-layered security browser extension protecting you against digital fraud.
1 user
MS Password Generator (WebExtension)
Create a unique password for each site and service. Input the Main key and a site key to generate a strong password for that site.
1 user
Use this add-on to protect kids from viewing dangerous websites on your browser. Includes English and Filipino bad keywords checking. Please help me improve this tool, contact me for any improvement suggestion.
1 user
Soteria - Extra Protection
Protects your browser from entering fake ICO sites, phishing sites etc.
1 user
Secure Email Converter
Converts email addresses to their secure equivalents. Note that you must have a StayPrivate corporate account to use the add-on. Simply right click to add your secure email address. Then select any email address and right click to convert it.
1 user
Blur the browser screen instantaneously by pressing ctrl + q when typing sensitive content
1 user
Falske nettbutikker
Advarer deg om du besøker en nettside som står på listen over Forbrukertilsynets liste over falske nettbutikker. https://www.forbrukertilsynet.no/netthandel/falske-nettbutikker
1 user
Redirects mylink.cloud (an adfly clone, which is broken under uBlock) urls directly to the destination.
1 user
Make ISP- and government-level tracking more difficult by mixing your real search history with fake Google searches that include NSA-tracked keywords.
1 user
KeyCat opensource password manager
KeyCat is an open source end-to-end encrypted password manager. This is the web-extension companion to automate auto-filling the forms based on the data stored in the password manager The full source code can be found on https://github.com/keydotcat
1 user
R2RM Web Extension
R2RM is in part a password manager that makes it easy for user to retrieve the account info for specific pages. The active tab is retrieved when the user clicks on the extension to retrieve any login info that the user has saved for that site.
1 user