Block all sites except those on whitelists.
1 user
T3h Unh@X@b13 P@$$w0rd $01ut10n
1 user
Link Panels
Open links / videos in separate windows Shortcuts --- Windows/Linux: Ctrl+Shift+Y Mac: Cmd+Shift+Y
1 user
URSA Privacy
High strength symmetric encryption for your favorite email, plus real-time secure chat
1 user
link no link
A simple but effective add-on. makes you alert about the "connection" made by the links by changing color, before click on it. pink: not-secure connection purple/no-color: secure connection yellow: javascript or no link/url
1 user
Reload as https
Adds a page action button for http pages to reload as https
1 user
Aftonbladet ad alert remover
Tar bort adblocker-rutan på Aftonbladets artiklar.
1 user
Poop is an ad-blocker which blocks ads - and the pages that host them. The mission of the project is to leave the user with a purely non-commercial web browsing experience.
1 user
Register DMCA claim contacts w/o bad Javascript
Allows LibreJS users to register DMCA claim contacts at the DMCA registry.
1 user
1 user
SURFGUARD helps you surf the internet waves safely and securely. It thoroughly analyzes the site you are on and tells you whether it is safe to surf or not by using our custom made SurfGuardAPI which employs ML model having over 92.67% accuracy.
1 user
This extension generates a QRcode challenge which can be scanned by the AuthVR5 authenticator app on a smartphone to authenticate to apps under PureAUTH IDP. This extension also allows the authenticator app to get the Corporate device identity.
1 user
Just Block
Blocks access to specified sites by specified time.
1 user
Specific Proxies
Specific Proxies with authentication for Selenium
1 user
An add-on for viewing your public IP address
1 user
VPN URL Checker
Checks if VPN is connected when accessing certain URLs.
1 user
Protect My 78n
Assists in maintaining your preferences to opt out of interest-based advertisements from companies involved in the DAA Self-Regulatory Program.
1 user
AuthONE Extension
Browser extension for AuthONE App.
1 user
BUSKO Buscador Privado
Busko.es Motor de búsqueda privado
1 user
Edgeware and Kabocha wallets
1 user
Первая анти-фишинговая система в Узбекистане
1 user
Firefox extension providing anti-phishing measures.
1 user
Transfer a tab from normal to private browsing.
1 user
Fixed Youtube Player
This firefox extension fixes the youtube video player errors by replacing the default player by the embed one.
1 user
Change your ip when browsing the web.
1 user