A password manager that generates your passwords based on a seed.
0 users
A browser extension to use the clipboard safer.
0 users
storage less password manager
0 users
Andy666 FuteMax
Basicamente consiste em uma serie de Javascript usados para desativar popups e anuncios do site, facilitando a navegacao.
0 users
Domain Asset Finder
0 users
Time Based Default Containers
Browser extension that let's you create timetables for your Firefox containers. When you create a new tab or open an external link it will show up in the corresponding container so you can easier split up you digital life.
0 users
Расширение для сокрытие информации об иностранных агентах из новостных источников.
0 users
URL Shift
Intercept HTTP requests through rules written in JavaScript.
0 users
On-Screen Keyboard for FireFox KIOSK mode
0 users
Link prechecker
Prüft denn http-Antwortcode einer Seite, die ich noch nich aufgerufen habe, um das klicken von >300 Seiten zu vermeiden.
0 users
Replace all Gacha-words by a normal word
0 users
Just a Password Generator
Generate random and strong passwords for your accounts!
0 users
DEMO: SplunkAnalyticsConnector
For customized support how to install it and configure it, book a meeting through my webpage. To check the output click: shift+ctrl+J
0 users
Redirect twitter links to a nitter instance
0 users
An user-friendly password generating tool for Firefox browser.
0 users
CXR Material Access
Zugriff zu CXR Materialverwaltung, Funktion für automatischen Login.
0 users
THTTAER AD site blocker
THTTAER blocks sites with AD routers and AD releated sites, making the job easier for searching online products and everyday tasks.
0 users
Indian CSS Inject
Allow multiple stylesheets ready to inject and change
0 users
Expiry Guard Pro
Expiry Guard Pro provides critical information on website certificate expiration, empowering you to take action in a timely manner.
0 users
Code Sync
Add a sync button to GIT repositories hosted on third party platforms to sync and analyse code with The Code Registry.
0 users
Domain Blocker Custom
Sends notifications to users when a request to a blocked website is attempted, providing feedback and awareness of blocked access attempts.
0 users
The search engine that prioritizes your privacy. No data collection. The Freedom is Possible.
0 users
Prevents websites from detecting text selection and copy events.
0 users
Search Reddit MIST
Open-source with zero data collection. NO MORE TYPING SITE:WWW.REDDIT.COM This is a Reddit search tool with a moveable floating search bar and "exact search" shortcuts. Features DuckDuckGo, customizable UI, and hotkey(Ctrl+Shift+F).
0 users
Mail Hash
Add a random hash to a plus addressable email address or to a custom domain
0 users