Automatically generate XKCD Type Passwords!
0 users
Reddit Chat Anonymizer
A privacy-focused extension that locally modifies Reddit chat to enhance anonymity
0 users
TXT to QR in realtime
Generate QR codes instantly as you type. Works offline. Open-source. Privacy-friendly.
0 users
Title Changer
Changes the title of all websites to "undefined" or whatever you want.
0 users
Password Lock for Skype™ Web
Lock access to Skype Web after a period of time or by pressing the action button
0 users
Anti-Seener For FB
Prevents the FB from emitting event that the user has seen the message.
0 users
Surf History
Maintains a comprehensive history of your browsing activity, offering a categorized list of your most visited sites.
0 users
Never Gonna Rickroll You
Anti RickRoll
0 users
Porta WebFilter by CyberSift
0 users
User agent string can be selected from a popup menu using the browser action icon on the toolbar.
0 users
Manage cookies wisely and protect your privacy.
0 users
IP Insight
Easily verify the effectiveness of your VPN and stay informed about your online presence with VPN Checkpoint.
0 users
Allows the user to make quick notes by clicking a button and entering text into the resulting popup. The notes are saved in storage and sync across profiles.
0 users
Secure Password generator
Password generator extension allows you to easily generate long and secure password in one click
0 users
A DApp, where one can submit, vote and eliminate fake/scammy websites. Scambuster also alerts when you visit a site that has been voted as scam.
0 users
Web Archive Explorer
Check and create web archives across multiple archiving services
0 users
Qwacky is an open source client for DuckDuckGo Email Protection, To manage and generate @duck.com aliases.
0 users
Click the button to modify referrer to twitter! A sample extension for changing request header for https://github.com/j3soon/ComeFromTwitter
0 users
I didn't call you
Block all unwanted requests from user defined urls
0 users
Redirect Youtube links automatically to invidio.us Videos will load faster,
0 users
A2 Ask
Your Personal and Private Search Engine
0 users
WynGen - The password generator.
Always thought about what kind of password to come up with, but better than pass123 did not occur to you? Then this extension will help you solve this problem, because it will create a strong password for you! All you need to do is write it down.
0 users
This extension will block scripts based on machine learning model. It is Thanos for JS
0 users
Teddit Extension
Unofficial Teddit extension - redirects reddit links to teddit
0 users
Ci-enのマイページ( ci-en.net/mypage )でフォローしている人の記事画像にぼかしをかけてsfw化します。 --- Generics sfw theme for 'ci-en.net/mypage' . This add-on make image blur using css for sfw.
0 users