DontBugMe for BugMeNot credentials
DontBugMe allows you to easily use credentials from on any page.
784 users
Nostr Signer Extension (for Firefox)
777 users
Remove o NONIO
776 users
Former2 Helper
Helps avoid CORS issues with AWS API endpoints for
774 users - web3 scam protection
The browser extension helps protect you from common crypto scams.
773 users
Disable Twitch extensions
Be able to disable / hide / block all or only certain Twitch extensions on Twitch channels
758 users
HTTPS by default
Request websites over secure https by default from the location bar instead of insecure http.
756 users
A browser extension for Penetration Testing
749 users
Remove Anything
Remove anything (objects or selected text) from any page via the right-click menu. This is intended to be a WebExtensions alternative to "Nuke Anything Enhanced." Almost all of its features are supported, and the undo/redo system has been improved.
745 users
Random password generator
A simple random password generator for Firefox browser
743 users
History Cleaner (History Eraser)
Quickly delete/wipe your browser history for a defined period with one click
737 users
Age Limit Remover for Youtube
Removes age limits for YouTube without needing to login.
737 users
JustDeleteMe extension for Firefox-based browsers.
732 users
FastProxy - Украина
Обход блокировок в Украине. Доступ к заблокированным сайтам. FastProxy - Украина разблокирует сайты ВКонтакте, Одноклассники, Яндекс, Мэйл, Кинопоиск, rutracker, Касперский, новостные сайты и другие заблокированные домены на территории Украины.
730 users
A minimal, less attention grabbing, internet experience.
725 users
SearXNG - Privacy Search Engine
Adds SearXNG as the default search engine in your browser. Secure your queries with instant access to SearX metasearch engine.
721 users
Purple Private Windows
Private windows are now purple. When you open a new private window, the appearance of the other windows changes, so in the extension settings, select the theme you are using.
712 users
Remove FBclid and UTM
Removes fbclid, gclid, and utm query parameters from URLs before they load. Simple add-on, no config, bare minimum permissions required.
712 users
Redirect URL Path
This add-on is an HTTP header & redirect checker for SEO and link tracing purposes. After clicking on any URL, this add-on will let you see all of the links & redirects that occurred.
706 users
Bypasses any paywall or your money back
703 users
Alison FF Extension
Esta extensión le permitira interactuar con servicios de firma y emisión de certificados digitales.
702 users
Kimetrak (Who's tracking me) is an extension allowing you see at a glance what third-party domains are loaded from websites you visit. You can access detailled statistics with a list allowing you to analyse what services are able to track you online.
701 users
Bye Rupert
Installing this extension will block all websites that Rupert Murdoch controls.
699 users
KAÜ süti törlő
Központi Azonosító kijelentkezés után ottfelejtett süti törlése
694 users
PaladinVPN - 100% Unlimited Free VPN Proxy
PaladinVPN is a 100% free unlimited VPN service! It has no time, bandwidth, speed, and location switching limit at all. We’ll make your real IP address disappear so that your online activity can't be tracked.
691 users