SearXNG (
Make SearXNG (instance the default search engine. SearXNG (previously Searx) is a free and open-source metasearch engine.
53 users
Signed Pages
Verifies PGP signed pages for extra security against malicious or breached servers.
53 users
EVER Wallet
Manage Everscale wallets and access dApps directly from your browser
53 users
fairBlock Reborn
Inverted advertising blocker.
52 users
HTTPS+ Checker
Verification of security mechanisms complementary to HTTPS.
52 users
PASS SECURIUM Browser Extension provides a secure access to your password database from your browser anytime and anywhere. It facilitates an easy creation, storage and management of your passwords in one place.
52 users
Auto Webpage Redirect
Automatically redirects matching webpages to alternate destinations.
52 users
Help to get gpt refreshToken.
52 users
Website Blocker
This extension help to block site selected by the user
52 users
Redirect all your youtube link to top invidious site
52 users
A Chrome extension to leverage Hashicorp Vault as Credential Storage for teams
51 users
Simple Container Proxy
Simple way to make container proxy. If there is any problem/issue please contact me on
51 users
SearX Search PaulGO
Adds SearX PaulGO server as the default search engine in your browser.
51 users
This web extension is designed to help you search throughout the web in an extremely versatile manner where all you need to do is select a word and then right click to unveil all the searching options that has been provided by this web extension.
51 users
BrowserWall is a security add-on that will improve your online safety by blocking phishing and malware. BrowserWall gives you instant protection from the online threats. BrowserWall is provided for free by company specializing in cybersecurity.
51 users
Datensorglosigkeitsmessgerät - Die Erweiterung klassifiziert, wie oft Kontakt zu seitenfremden Servern aufgebaut werden soll und zeigt dies in der Adresszeile und auf Wunsch auch vor Links (bereits besuchter Seiten) an.
51 users
DNS Blocker
A simple DNS blocker
51 users
SOCKS5 Proxy Filter
Apply SOCKS5 proxy based on regex filters for URLs and titles, with automatic exclusion
51 users
Cookie Notification Killer
Since 2011 web sites must ask if you agree with cookie policy, if you don't click ok, they are not allowed to store cookies. Web sites pressure you into clicking ok/acccept by making cookies notifications large, and anoying. No more :)
51 users
Check what is my IP address
Best Tool for check Your IP address, IP localication, device information and more. Check out What is my Ipv4 Address tool.
51 users
Coursera authentication helper
Coursera authentication helper for use with coursera-dl
51 users
Exclude Topics from Google News
This extension allow you to block / filter topics from google news from a list of keyword. All topics containing one of keywords will be hidden. Can be used for children protection. (eg list : "war, death, drug, sex...")
51 users
NoRef: Open without Referer
Adds a context menu option to open a link in a new tab without sending the HTTP referer information. A bare-bones replacement for the legacy addon "No-Referer" by Dor. Simply copies the selected link and opens a new tab to the destination.
50 users
Slack Direct
Rewrite links within Slack to avoid --- Tired of links posted to Slack being redirected through This extension rewrites the links to go where they intend to, instead of through Slack's redirector. That's it.
50 users
Дополнение для генерации мобильного одноразового пароля (mobile one time password) для Firefox (в том числе Quantum).
50 users