YouTube Geoblock Checker
Shows where a YouTube video is restricted so you can use a VPN to avoid the restriction.
21 users
A tool that misleads dashboard inactivity detections.
21 users
Copy Guard
A simple browser extension that warns you when your copy action was hijacked.
20 users
Mudfish AdClean
Mudfish WebExtension that blocks unwanted ads, with a focus on sites visited by Koreans.
20 users
DuckDuckGoOnion Lite Search
Adds the Onion version of DuckDuckGo Lite (Non-JavaScript) as a search option to Firefox.
20 users
Don't Visit - Block Sites
Blocks you from accessing websites of your choice.
20 users
Natt ADBlocker
Finally, an efficient blocker. Easy on CPU and memory. NattADBlock - Stops adware on every site.
20 users
Reliance Jio Container
Jio Container isolates your Jio activity from the rest of your web activity in order to prevent Jio from tracking you outside of the Jio website via third party cookies.
20 users
Proxy Toggle
Toggle between direct connection and using a proxy server.
20 users
Auto hides elements on web pages containing specific user defined keywords.
20 users
Cyder | Control Your Data & Earn Rewards
Cyder is a free and simple extension that protects your privacy, blocks creepy ads, and gives you rewards as you browse.
20 users
Block Taboola Ads on
20 users
They're listening. Make some noise.
20 users
Safety Password
Create a Safety Passwords whith one click
20 users
FDVT: Data Valuation Tool for Facebook™ Users
Tool for analyzing Ads on Facebook™: The plugin shows how many ads are shown by Facebook™ and their value based on your profile.
20 users
Piped Redirects
Redirects YouTube links to Piped!
20 users
Moniteur eniKma
Affiche le statut du VPN eniKma dans la barre d'outils de Firefox. Ce module est gratuit mais nécessite de posséder le boîtier de sécurité VPN eniKma.
20 users
PGP integration for web browsers
20 users
Amazonの個人情報(住所や名前)を表示上隠します。 元々は自分のために作ったアドオンですが、一応公開しておきます。 javascriptはわからないので、ググりつつコピペを繰り返したゴミです。 著作権も主張しません。自由に改造してください。
20 users
Active Whois & Flags extension
Displays the flags, IP address and Whois data of websites. It requires a Windows system with installed Active Whois 5.2++. Active Whois is an easy-to-use network tool for the retrieving of all information such as country, email and postal address.
20 users
Likepusher Cookies
Easy way to upload cookies for accounts from 1. Clean cash, cookies and history in your browser. 2. Insert Cookies from the .txt file to the extension 3. Push "UPLOAD" 4. Enjoy ;)
20 users
Youtube Silent Ad
Mute video ads and skip them when possible on Youtube
20 users
Streamer Mode for Firefox
Hides visible personal information from pages, similar to Discord's Streamer mode.
20 users
Cypherdog Encryption
Encrypt any file, any text, and share via any medium, any time
20 users
Baidu AdBlocker - 百度药丸
20 users