Coupon Notifier
Store your own coupons/voucher codes for websites. No external offers are used. A notification appears on the sites to remind you that you have a code to use (for example a refund, a gift code received in a newsletter, etc.).
1 user
Add-On to create notes in the Browser
1 user
Converts games prices in steam from usd to dogecoin
1 user
Aliexpress Desktop Redirect
Redirect Aliexpress mobile ( links to the Desktop ( site.
1 user
Save money and move your dollars off Amazon
1 user
Next Steam Sale Tracker
Track Steam sales in real-time and get the best deal on your next game purchase.
1 user
Shop with Freedom - Shop Local & Find Coupons
Shop with Freedom Extension - Support Local, Buy Black & Shop Sustainable with Freedom. Shop Deals, Coupons & Price Track at Amazon, Sephora, Chewy, Ikea, Instacart and more.
1 user
Divar Price Reader
An Extention For Read Price From
1 user
myBaze affiliates
Browser extension for myBaze affiliates that simplifies tracking links, widgets and product feeds generation.
1 user
Get coupons and deals for hundreds of thousands of stores online. This extension is designed to help buyers find the best deals, offers, coupons and promotions for thousands of online stores around the world.
1 user
Bumpless Reverb Listings
Hides the Bumped (promoted) listings from search results. Icon made by Freepik from
1 user
KiwiBack - peníze z nákupů zpět
Doplněk, který vrací zpět až 10% zpět z vašeho nákupu na AliExpressu.
1 user
Trideur est une plateforme collaborative dédié à l'univers de la vente. Nous proposons des solutions de distribution et de traffic pour les commerçants
1 user
SellerMobile Reviews Extension
Product reviews help boost your search rankings, get you more customers, and build brand loyalty.
1 user
Pharmaceutical Bank
when clicked on extension icon, will be opened in new tab
1 user
ML - Show sold quantity
Extensão que mostra a quantidade de vendas de um produto nas páginas de busca.
1 user
TCG Collector Ebayer
Opens an eBay search for the chosen card on TCG Collector.
1 user
Varování na rizikových shopech
CZ: Zobrazí varování při prohlížení rizikových e-shopů dle ČOI (viz web ČOI, data z prosince 2024) EN: Displays a warning banner when user is browsing one of risky e-shops as identified by Czech Trade Inspection Authority
1 user
Hide not ETV zero
Hide items without an ETV of $0.00 or no ETV showing. Only works if you also have the Vine Helper installed and displaying the ETV.
1 user | Shopping with Savings
Don’t look for discounts anymore! finds the best ones for you.
1 user
Amazon Wishlist Filter
Filters out non-discounted items from Amazon wishlist and orders them by Discount
1 user
Szlachetna Paczka
Z tą wtyczką zrobisz „Dobre Zakupy” wspierające Szlachetną Paczkę. Uruchom „Dobre Zakupy” a sklepy w których zrobisz zakupy, przekażą określony procent na realizację celów Szlachetnej Paczki.
0 users
C.S.F.R. Wageningen Lustrumcommissie
Sponsor C.S.F.R. Wageningen bij aankopen die u doet, zonder dat het u iets kost! Ververst automatisch de webshop met de sponsorklik URL, zodat u het niet meer zelf hoeft op te zoeken.
0 users
RelateAll Secure Assistant
An e-Commerce Conglomerator
0 users
Shopszon Cash Back
0 users