Bulk Texter Pro
Send texts with a personal touch, at scale, using the phone number you already have.
255 users
Laitis Chromium Extension
Laitis Chromium extension allows Laitis to control websites using your voice. Do not work without Laitis Desktop Application.
253 users
YouTube Shorts Speed
Control playback speed on Youtube Shorts
253 users
G-CAL Highlighter
Google Calendar
253 users
An extension aimed at increasing human happiness by blocking social media sites.
252 users
Launch Gmail
Gmail toolbar button:- - Opens Gmail in a new tab (<a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/44a7502c9961750faf06060cb78d1efc46727e8c401bfeb04a35f44bcd666df7/https%3A//mail.google.com">https://mail.google.com</a>) - Neat icon
252 users
Anti TwitterSpam
Twitterのスパムにさようならして快適なツイ廃ライフを! Twitterのスパムを非表示にする拡張機能です! Say goodbye to Twitter spam and enjoy a comfortable Twitter life! This is a browser extension that hides Twitter spam!
252 users
YouTube Premium Adblock
Enjoy YouTube without ads!
252 users
Mailto Gmail and More
It enhances your mailto links with a convenient user interface. It gives your users the flexibility to compose a new message using a browser-based email client or their default local email app. Moreover, it supports phone links as well.
252 users
Telegram as a Sidebar
Telegram Instant Messenger as a sidebar. Based on original work from: <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/1f07169154294834db73877f6495b99fd381224f7c341757a42e801ef0bafe95/https%3A//github.com/zhukov/webogram">https://github.com/zhukov/webogram</a>
251 users
Ringover | Click2Call
With the Ringover extension | Click2Call, all phone numbers displayed on web pages become clickable!
251 users
Pikabu fixes
The application restores the display of minuses and returns the indefinite ignore of the authors of the posts.
250 users
Video Ads Blocker for Youtube™
Removes all annoying ads and banners from YouTube!
250 users
Seek Salary
Unlock salary ranges for every job on Seek NZ/AU.
249 users
A camera app that allows you to take photos and selfies, record videos and GIF animations from a webcam.
248 users
Webpage to Video
Converts web pages you are currently looking at into videos. The videos are produced in the mp4 (H264) format.
248 users
On-Screen Keyboard for FireFox
247 users
Threema Web as a Sidebar
Displays a sidebar that lets you talk to your friends using Threema Web.
247 users
TheFreeDictionary.com Lookup
This extension adds a context menu to enable lookup of selected word on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/3e7744fa3841c70836535764cfc35e7451cc3b1d7a01dd7d8b1c92f36bb0d8f3/http%3A//www.thefreedictionary.com">www.thefreedictionary.com</a>. You simply double any word on a page and right click to access a simple link that opens up a new tab that pulls up the definition of that word.
245 users
Phone Number To WhatsApp Link
Converts phone numbers to WhatsApp links
245 users
Link Research SEO Toolbar
Enjoy looking at the most advanced SEO metrics while browsing. The Add-on works both as a SERP overlay and a SEO toolbar and it brings some of the strongest SEO metrics right in your browser.
245 users
Pinned MS Teams
Go to the pinned MS Teams tab. If it doesn't exist, it's created.
244 users
skips all YouTube ads ;)
244 users
Twitter Mass Unfollow
A simple (configurable) way to mass unfollow your Twitter followings. It will save a list of unfollowed @s after finished! Note: this is a fork of <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/46ba8b7eb96b33b04e897c16abe5f7b33881f8a9c2cdc83116502b4bd370c1cc/https%3A//github.com/codeshifu/twitter-mass-unfollow" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/codeshifu/twitter-mass-unfollow</a>, from Chrome to Firefox.
242 users
FB Page Unlocker
Access and Unlock all Facebook Pages as a Guest, and without having to Login. Incl. Bypassing the Annoying Login Box!
241 users