TheVentury New Tab
new Tab Experience for TheVentury
4 users
Time Spent
This extension allow user to track time passed on every website
4 users
Reload All Tabs (in Window)
Reload all open tabs in current window.
4 users
Replace a new tab with daily notes
4 users
Binary Split & Merge
Easily split or merge files via binary data buffer (ArrayBuffer) in your browser!
4 users
このアドオンを使用すると通常だと新しいタブで開かれるリンクを現在のタブで開くことができます。 操作方法はアドオンの設定画面から確認してください。 また、明示的に現在のタブで開く時以外の動作はブラウザ設定や他のアドオンの動作に準拠します。 良い感じのプラグインが無かったので自作しました。 使用して発生した問題は一切保証しません。
4 users
Remove Query Params
Reload all tabs without their query params.
4 users
Adjust Tab Selection
This extension allow you select the parent tab after close the children tabs
4 users
Zoom Tab Remover
An extension that automatically closes any lingering Zoom tabs that are left in browser after the Zoom meetings are opened. No analytics. No ads. Free.
4 users
Phone Number Beautifier
Formats (beautifies) phone numbers with dashes and parenthesis to make them easier to read.
4 users
Swipe two to back/forward
This extension allows you to use a touchpad gesture to switch to the previous page or to the next. At the same time, there is a beautiful animation like in the safari or epiphany browser. But the main extension is working properly on wayalnd
4 users URL-Shortener Addon
This add-on helps you shorten URLs easily. By clicking the 2a5-icon your actual long and messy URL gets shorten. The shorten representation gets copied to your clipboard to be ready to paste it somewhere else. Other than that: a qr-code is shown.
4 users
Create tasks from WhatsApp messaCreate tasks from WhatsApp messages
4 users
Copy selected tabs
Add a menu option to copy selected tabs to the clipboard
4 users
Rylee extensie
Track simpel jouw producten van de product pagina met de Rylee tracker (!
4 users
New Window CSS Editor
Edit CSS in a separate window and apply changes inline
4 users
Per-Tab Volume Control
Control volume levels for individual browser tabs.
4 users
Mute Window (fork)
Use "Ctrl+Shift+U" or click the icon to mute a window.
4 users
Force a set of tabs to load at startup without being pinned tabs.
4 users
Quick Switch
Quickly switch between your last active tab and your currently active tab using CTRL+Q Icons made by Freepik from
4 users
FlashTabs is a tool that enables you to set a deck of flash cards, and process through them at every new tab screen.
4 users
Lädt die URLs aller geöffneten Tabs und speichert sie als PDF
4 users
Displays a sidebar with a stop-watch for how long you've been in url and overall website
4 users
Bob, a command palette for your browser.
Hi! This is Bob, a command palette for your browser.
4 users
Switch to already opened tab
新規タブ画面から何かのWebサイトを開いた時に、同じウィンドウ内に同一のURLを持つタブがあった場合は(そのURLを開く代わりに)そのタブをアクティブにします。 例えば、twitter.comを既に開いている状態で、新しくタブを開いてtwitter.comを開こうとした場合、このアドオンは新しく開いたタブを閉じ、既存のtwitter.comのタブにフォーカスします。
4 users