HTML, CSS, JS Validator
The utility checks and fixes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript errors on websites.
2 users
A new tab page focused on all the information you need right now. It collects data from other services to bring directly to your home page.
2 users
Higly customizable and mobile friendly startpage
2 users
TeamLogic Bookmark Manager
The updated Firefox plugin is a 4x6 grid with 22 functioning buttons representing websites. Users can click on buttons to navigate to respective sites. It features logos, interactive design, and allows quick access to websites.
2 users
TabQuest - New Tab for Productivity
Transform your new tab into a productivity hub with TabQuest! Manage tasks, bookmarks, and notes in a customizable interface. Boost your efficiency and stay organized—all from your browser’s new tab page.
2 users
Stock Market Real-Time Tracker
A real-time stock market tracker that shows live stock price updates.
2 users
Copy Selected Tabs URLs
Copy Selected Tabs URLs Quickly copy the URLs of all selected tabs to your clipboard with one click.
2 users
Tabs Tray
Display all browser tabs in a full-screen grid. Make it effortless to navigate, create, close, or reorder them.
2 users
Internet Connectivity Checker
Check your internet connectivity status.
2 users
GitHub URL Swapper
Jump between GH repo and GH Pages URLs
2 users
Youtube Timekeeper
Constantly updates a youtube tab's URL to include the current time of the video
2 users
Wikipedia popup Extension
this is a convenient browser extension that allows users to access full Wikipedia content directly from a small popup window, without the need to log in. With this users can quickly search for and view detailed Wikipedia article,princekiet
2 users
Tab Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts for managing tabs.
2 users
Hoomster Dashboard New Tabs
Create a custom browser homepage to get quick access to all your frequently used apps, tools and websites.
2 users
Memento - Notes
Simple notepad. One blank page to write quick notes.
2 users
Get preview of a link similar to picture-in-picture when you click it while holding Ctrl+Shift
2 users
Auto Mute Sites
Auto mute sites (aka. domains)
2 users
PitBulk Opener
This extension allows you to open URLs one by one.
2 users
YouTube™ Open Tabs Total Time
Goes through all your open YouTube tabs and sums the total videos length.
2 users
Quick bookmark creation and tab discarding. One click downloads n stuff. IDK.
2 users
FF Reader
A simple extension for Firefox that activates Reader Mode.
2 users
Replaces your new-tab screen with a sticky note board
2 users
URL Saver
Save open URLs that match certain regex to file
2 users
TelSmart - Phone number finder
Highlights phone numbers in a web page and turns them into phone links
2 users
Container Context
This extension will allow you to set a current container for all new tabs opened in the browser.
2 users