Simple Container Proxy
Simple way to make container proxy. If there is any problem/issue please contact me on
49 users
This extension provides quick actions to manage tabs.
49 users
Auto Webpage Redirect
Automatically redirects matching webpages to alternate destinations.
49 users
Edit with VIM text editor
Edit an HTML element and all its child nodes in VIM text editor with real-time updates
49 users
Find in Tabs
Find text in all your open and active tabs
49 users
Open all links in current tab. Now you get to choose for yourself if you want to open a website in a new tab or not.
49 users
🚀 Lightweight Browser new tab extension | 一款轻量简洁的新标签页浏览器插件,专注新标签页基础功能
49 users
Detects if a video is played in a tab and prepends the tab's title with a custom string.
49 users
Provides a keyboard shortcut (Shift + Alt + C by default) to create a new tab that retains the current/last-used container.
48 users
Shift+LeftClick opens links in a new active tab
This simple addon opens links in a new active tab with Shift+LeftClick (left mouse button click), not in a new window Mainly for users, who used this shotcut in other browsers (e.g. Opera 12). You can select your own mouse + mod key combination.
48 users
Manage My Tabs - Tab Manager
Manage My Tabs is an extension that gives the user a quick and simple way to manage their tabs.
48 users
Double click on the page to close the tab.
48 users
[STG plugin] Delete current group
Delete current group in Simple Tab Groups extention
48 users
Twitter Bird
Extension which returns the Twitter bird icon back
48 users
Save transcript from YouTube video automatically in Obsidian
48 users
A chrome extension that helps you be more productive. Fewer tabs = happy Tabagotchi. More tabs = angry Tabagotchi.
48 users
Haram Police Beta
Haram Police is an extension that blocks certain haram websites like porn and dating websites by default. Once a user tries to access those websites, they'll be redirected and be reminded with verses from the Quran.
48 users
waView, Beyond the web
Fast, offline image viewer built with WebAssembly technology. You can open 100 image formats including JPG, PNG, TIFF, JXR, RAW.
47 users
Reuse Tab
Keeps tab count low by reusing pinned tabs for same site.
47 users
PDF Converter
Convert your docx file into PDF.
47 users
For people like me who have way too many tabs open and are too lazy to go through and delete them, Too Many Tabs will help manage your tabs in bulk based on URL.
47 users
If a website doesn't have a favicon, Favioli uses an emoji as a favicon.
47 users
Sensibilisation sur les écogestes pour économiser l'énergie.
47 users
VideoNail - Floating YouTube
Watch YouTube videos on any site in a floating, always on top window. Scroll down to the comment section to see it in action! The player will stay on the screen even after navigating to another site.
47 users
Simple QR Code
This generates a QR code for the current tab
46 users