"Import Waypoint" menu
Find places on the web and import them into your itinerary with one click!
7 users
Browser MFA Authenticator
A browser extension for multi-factor authentication (MFA) using OTP codes.
7 users
HideMyUser MozAnd
Дополнение дает возможность скрыть личность пользователя подменяя IP, UA and Cookies в целевом браузере. Формат строки импорта данных: "<proxy> <user_agent> <cookies>" proxy - [ip:port:login:password] user_agent - [user_agent:::user_agen
7 users
YouTube Recommendation Filter and Tweaker
Curates YouTube recommendations based on chosen keywords
7 users
New Tab Startpage
Custom Start page with your favorite websites. Features: Multiple Lists. Create, Edit and Save Favorite Websites for easy navigation. Ability to save background Images. Easily add new Favorite from History. Support for font awesome icons.
6 users
A minimalist and private tab switcher. Ctrl+Shift+F and then type the tab title.
6 users
Adds a title prefix - 'NewTab' - for the current window when a newtab-page is active
6 users
Infinity Search Browser Button
Click on the Infinity Search browser icon to open Infinity Search in a new tab
6 users
Copy Window URLs
Copies the URLs of all tabs from the current window to the clipboard.
6 users
Quick Search - Selection Text
The purpose of this add-on is simple. It provides the ability to perform a search on different search engines based on the highlighted text
6 users
Save to a .txt file with all the URLs from the open tabs in the browser. PT-BR: Capture URLs das abas abertas com apenas um clique. Essas URLs são posteriormente organizadas e salvas em um arquivo .txt, uma maneira eficiente de gerenciar os links.
6 users
Tab Magnet
Merges all open tabs into a single window
6 users
Add a bookmark to the toolbar
6 users
Quickly navigate to the next page with your keyboard. Press n to go to the next page, press p to go to the previous page.
6 users
Crafty Sync for Firefox
Sync your open tabs, bookmarks and history with your iPhone/iPad. Download the iPhone/iPad App: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sync-for-firefox-tabs-bookmarks/id979044589?mt=8
6 users
Unistra Access
Provides access to articles via your unistra account. Just click on the app icon on the page of the article you want to open.
6 users
Tab Shortcuts
Forked from Close tabs Shortcuts. You can close all unfocused tabs, close all tabs to the left, and close all tabs to the right. Close to Left is Ctrl+Shift+Left, Close to Right is Ctrl+Shift+Right, and Close all unfocused tabs is Ctrl+Shift+Up.
6 users
Search engine assistant
Simply switch between search results from DuckDuckGo to results from Google or reverse in one click!
6 users
Provides domain specific actions for browser tabs.
6 users
Save URL
My first extension to save active tab urls.
6 users
Consolidate all your open tabs into a single tab for improved browser performance and complete privacy assurance with extension
6 users
Journal Startpage
Productivity tools startpage replacement.
6 users
Close Tabs by URL
Closes all tabs of the website based on the URL of the current tab.
6 users
Focusly: Active & Focused Tabs
Browser extension that keeps configured tabs focused/active even when they are not in the foreground.
6 users
RedPanda Tabs
Show RedPanda on new tab because it's cute
6 users