Scratch 3 Dev Tools for Aerfa
优化Scratch3在线编辑器-查找积木,整理积木. 可用于:阿儿法营,有道卡搭,Sc官网
1 user
Dom Element Display
Display the html representation of the wanted element
1 user
Youtube Recommendation_Blocker
Removes Recommendation and Comments from any Youtube video.
1 user
Presto Ma Dose
Prise de rendez-vous automatisée pour la vaccination COVID sur Doctolib
1 user
Hyper Colors
A searchable list of HTML named colors
1 user
aligner allows you to change language direction on static or dynamic pages regards , Mohamad Samardeh Haghighi Fard :)
1 user
List cookies
List cookies in the active tab.
1 user
Amaze HTTP headers
Displays the live log with the http requests headers
1 user
WebHosting Assistant Tools
With this extention you can get Whois, DNS, spam check and etc, of current website that you are visiting by just ONE CLICK! whois tool is also compatible with .IR tlds
1 user
Sitewrench Sites
Quick access to details about the current SiteWrench page
1 user
WEAlias Clone (Keyword j)
Binds alias to URLs (clone of the original by Filbio)
1 user
Fluis extension
Fluis est une application web de gestion de projet. Le but est de créer un langage commun entre les créateurs de sites internet et leurs clients.
1 user
Huoshen Autovote by Ebium to vote on Chocolia
1 user
Simple Programming Assist
Backward the cursor position one character, if Continuously typed open and close of parentheses, brackets and curly brackets.
1 user
BackLink.Name URL Shortener
BackLink.Name URL Shortener Service
1 user
Live Dev
Automatically reload client-side assets without refreshing the page.
1 user
Makes content on the website editable Use Control + Alt + D key combinations to switch edit mode on and off
1 user
It looks like the task manager in chrome
1 user
Testing tool
Testing tool which can fill registration fields/show json version.
1 user
Envoyez votre .torrent vers notre seedbox ! Private addons for Transmission API ACCESS. View git for more informations.
1 user
Poop is an ad-blocker which blocks ads - and the pages that host them. The mission of the project is to leave the user with a purely non-commercial web browsing experience.
1 user corp
Реклама, пиар, продвижение Благодаря плагину Box-bot, который пользователь сам может установить в браузер – можно заработать неплохие деньги. Кликай по рекламе и зарабатывай деньги!
1 user
Online Lab
List of online resources for developers.
1 user
TogetherJS Companion
Add with a right click (content menu) and share the URLs. Detect automatically if a website has in the URL the reference for TogetherJS and load the library so the website don't need to include it.
1 user
Support Admin Tools for JIRA
With this JIRA add-on your JIRA Administrators will be happier!
1 user