Analyze website color schemes and suggest complementary colors
1 user
Google Suggestion Copier
Copies 'People also ask' and 'People also search for' suggestions from Google search results.
1 user
Run Brick Breaker (aka Breakout) inside your Google and Outlook Calendars!
1 user
Passively identify JSONP endpoints as you browse with the ability to send suspected endpoints to an exploit server for validation.
1 user
AutoDev Browser is a chrome extension for AutoDev AI Assistant
1 user
Advanced Auto Refresh
Advanced auto-refresh with multiple URL support and customizable options
1 user
Auto Web Form Completer
Automatically fill web forms with predefined data for fast submission.
1 user
Home Button Extension
This extension provides home button icon , to click on this to redirect on specific URL.
1 user
Melts away annoying blurred overlays for a crystal-clear browsing experience.
1 user
Candy Comic Reader
Protects your comic reading progress
1 user
Get Url
Adds a download button to images for easy downloading.
1 user
DevBooster - AI Coding Buddy
Use DevBooster as your coding buddy: grab any code online, let AI tweak it, and seamlessly integrate it into your project.
1 user
Sub Domain Blocker 2
Uses the proxy API to block requests to specific websites.
1 user
NamelessNanashi's version of PQSpy: Shows whether the connection was protected with post-quantum encryption
1 user
Duelingbook Main-Menu Blocker
DB Main Menu Blocker for Firefox
1 user
Password Manager & Reminder
Securely store passwords and receive periodic reminders to change them.
1 user
Ez color pick
Pick a color from any webpage and copy its hex value.
1 user
Load Times
Display load times of tabs with a color indicator to highlight fast and slow loading pages. It uses browser internal timestamps to calculate the total load times so in comparision to other addons it does not required page interactions.
1 user
Amazon Japan USD Converter
Converts Yen prices to USD on Amazon Japan with live exchange rates
1 user
Cookies on Site
Easily get popup of cookies that are active on the tab you are viewing.
1 user
Bamboo Log Enhancer
Color Atlassian Bamboo log files
1 user
1 user
1 user
PR Review Priority
Set priorities for your GitHub PR review comments
1 user
Ads Fucker
Fuck the frustrating Pay Per Click (PTC) ads web sites.
1 user