Pull Requests Counter
This extension shows the number of Pull Requests assigned to you.
1 user
Deer Timestamp Add-On allow you to convert a Unix timestamp into a human readable date. A human readable date can be converted into timestamp too. Add-On support iso8601 and UTC format. Display timestamp in seconds or milliseconds.
1 user
Eksi Sozluk entry ve görselleri aynı ekranda!
1 user
OG URL redirect
Redirects to OG URL if present
1 user
History transmitter
This addon sends all accessed pages to a user defined server via HTTP/HTTPS.
1 user
Highlight keywords, hide keywords.
1 user
IDactis Security V2
IDactis Security Web Extension V2 Work with IDactis Security b8580
1 user
Allows you to enter your password using your keypad or saved password in the browser.Also, removes the extra right sidebar containing ads on GT banks web portal. Use this on your own personal computer only.
1 user
designMode - Page Editor
Toggle design mode on/off
1 user
Meet Reminder
Meet Reminder will handle all of your class codes and times. When it's time for class, your browser will bring the class to you!
1 user
PQR Codes
You can easily generate a QR code, edit and share it.
1 user
CIDR Utils
A simple CIDR information viewer that displays details about an IP address, including its CIDR notation, subnet mask, and binary representation.
1 user
Extensify Brwoser Extension
A cool browser extension that let's you manage your daily task with soothing background and inspiring quotes
1 user
Magenta Conventional Comments
An extension to quickly add conventional comments on Magenta's GitLab instance.
1 user
codeanywhere more space
Additional space editor for codeanywhere editor
1 user
Friendly URL Checker
"Friendly URL Checker" is a Firefox addon designed to enhance browsing security by verifying the legitimacy of URLs. It scans URLs for potential phishing attempts or malicious content, alerting users to any suspicious links before they click.
1 user
Google Rich Snippets
The Google Rich Snippets Firefox addon enhances your browsing experience by providing rich, structured data directly in your search results. Easily identify key information such as ratings, prices, and availability, making it effortless
1 user
Gif Maker
A simple GIF maker tool as a Firefox extension. It allows users to create GIFs from images directly in their browser.
1 user
Encoding Toolset
Encode and decode text in Base64, Hex, Unicode, and other formats for security testing.
1 user
AWS Redirection Helper
Automatically redirects you back to the previously visited AWS Console page after re-login.
1 user
Success Mindset Quotes
Success Mindset Quotes is a Firefox extension that displays motivational quotes about hard work and passive income with a single click. Features 10 inspiring quotes from figures like Warren Buffett and Robert Kiyosaki in a clean, modern interface.
1 user
A plugin for replacing matched content with templates
1 user
This is a reduced permissions fork of the original vimium: <a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/vimium-ff/" rel="nofollow">https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/vimium-ff/</a> Vimium-lite allows very fast in-page navigation, similar to neovim's lightspeed: <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/9832c3466260a9be639051358d156a78dea6459bfa5d1f49a24e050d82873aa8/https%3A//github.com/ggandor/lightspeed.nvim" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/ggandor/lightspeed.nvim</a>
1 user