SURFGUARD helps you surf the internet waves safely and securely. It thoroughly analyzes the site you are on and tells you whether it is safe to surf or not by using our custom made SurfGuardAPI which employs ML model having over 92.67% accuracy.
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Dangerous file Blocker
Prevent download malicious file types from Internet
1 user
1 user
Paladin Log4j Immunizer
Browser extension to prevent Log4J exploits via WebSocket against services running on private network and localhost.
1 user
Secret Recovery Phrase Watcher
Monitors users typing words inside webpages and if it matches words from the BIP39 recovery phrase dictionary, warn the user.
1 user
Rilevamento Phishing - Italian Phishing Detection
Fornisce una protezione dalle minacce di phishing sfruttando un modello di machine learning dedicato bloccando anche gli script. ** Provides protection against phishing threats leveraging a dedicated machine learning model while also blocking script.
1 user
Protect your browsing experience with our cutting-edge cryptojacking defense solutions!
1 user
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C9LAB SafeLink
This Plugin will Block Phishing URLs, Domains and IPs
1 user
Hypertext HTML Blocker
This extension blocks all webpages, allowing Firefox to realise its true potential as a PDF viewer.
1 user
Protects your credentials from fake login and registration forms
1 user
Civil+ (Internet Protection)
Supprimer les entrées faisant référence à des pages présentant un contenu à risque élevé ou violent avec Civil+
1 user
1 user
Cydog Toolkit
This extension is a toolkit for users that do not use Cydog Browser-related features to encourage good browsing habits.
1 user
DEMO: SplunkAnalyticsConnector
For customized support how to install it and configure it, book a meeting through my webpage. To check the output click: shift+ctrl+J
0 users
Code Sync
Add a sync button to GIT repositories hosted on third party platforms to sync and analyse code with The Code Registry.
0 users
Callee Cleanee
Prüft ausgewählte Links vor dem Aufruf und ersetzt Teile, wenn nötig. Zeigt Ersetzungen der letzten 4 Wochen im Dashboard an. Entfernt Google-Analytics Umleitungen
0 users
SEZRi Essentials
Set SEZRi Search as the default home page and default search engine.
0 users
Let me paste!
Lets you paste in text boxes when websites normally forbid it.
0 users
Semua situs yang anda jalani akan dilakukan pemrosesan secara mendalam dengan Artificial Intelligence dan beberapa tools keamanan untuk dilihat prediksi dan probabilitas keamanan situs tersebut. Semakin PANDAI dengan PINDAI
0 users
0 users
0 users
Checks the users time and then shows a new travel theme every hour.
0 users