Automatically skips intros, recaps, and moves to the next episode on supported streaming sites. WARNING USES MANIFEST V3 ONLY USE ON NEWER BROWSER VERSIONS!
13 users
Filtra contenidos de vídeos previamente seleccionados en el url
12 users
Kick Utilities - Watch Vod Button
Add watch vod button to Kick clips.
12 users
Voluble is a handy extension that adds a volume control to the Audible web player
12 users
An extension that allow you to use the Kaguya website on Firefox.
12 users
↺ Video Seeking Everywhere
Allows you to ↺ seek through any playing video on most websites using the < or > keys. The amount of seconds to seek can be adjusted via the 🛠️ Options page.
11 users
Screenshot In ONE Click
A simple extension that allows users to take screenshots of their browser window and save them to their system.
11 users
echo360 advanced speed changer
Allows to change the speed of the echo360 to 2.5, 3, 3.5
10 users
10 users
Twitch Points Grabber
automatic poits grabber for twitch, works with all supported langauges on twitch
10 users
K2 Twitch Channel Points Bonus Claimer Autoclicker
Claims the extra bonus points of the channel you are watching on twitch without you leaving full screen. Enjoy the content without interruption. Nerd Note: Simply calls click event of the bonus button if available and checks again in 10 seconds.
10 users
Netflix AutoSkip
Automatically skip intros, recaps, 'Are you still watching?' and next episode on Netflix
10 users
Расширение для быстрого поиска фильмов и сериалов в открытых источниках.
10 users
Cozy FM - Podcast Player
A free, full-featured podcast player with seamless device synchronization, episode downloads, offline mode and more.
10 users
Unimib Lessons Direct Video
This extension will replace the proprietary video player for viewing lessons with the direct video. This Add-on is intended for use with Unimib's Elearning platform.
10 users
Speed Ads
Auto-adjusts YouTube ads to 16x speed.
10 users
9 users
EN - Collect the Twitch Channel Points you are viewing automatically. ES - Recoge los puntos de canal de Twitch que estés visualizando de manera automática.
9 users
Aparat Emote Enhancer: 7TV & BTTV Support Enhance your Aparat chat experience by adding global and streamer-specific emotes from 7TV and BTTV. With a user-friendly pop-up interface, easily browse, preview, and insert emotes into your messages!
9 users
퀵이봤 - SLIVE 임베드 도우미
퀵뷰 등 SLIVE 로그인을 임베드된 플레이어에서 사용할 수 있도록 합니다.
9 users Meeting
Lightbulb’s Emotion Ai firefox Extension allows our users to capture the visual feed & transcription of the Gmeet sessions for emotion & engagement analysis. Please note that this extension can only be used if you’re an existing customer of Lightbulb
9 users
No Spoilers: Youtube
Enhance focus with this Firefox addon: Hide YouTube video time, progress bar, comments, description, recommendations, autoplay and end-card. Enjoy distraction-free viewing. Fully customizable for a better experience.
9 users
Sync Everything
A Firefox Extension to synchronize video playback between P2P devices
8 users
Nerimity RPC
Share your playing Spotify music or YouTube video details with users on Nerimity!
8 users