4 users
Copy code without prompts
Copy the code from the code blocks on github by clicking copy button without console prompts like as $,#,>
4 users
Reddit Mobile Chat Fix
Fixes reddit chat (chat.reddit.com) for mobile devices.
4 users
Watch memes on the go, while surfing web.
4 users
GeoGuessr Autosplitter
Geoguessr Autosplitter is a browser extension which connects to a local LiveSplit Server using WebSockets to perform automatic actions (starting run, splitting, pausing game time, etc.)
4 users
HEAD Examiner
Extracts metadata from each page's HEAD, and makes it available to other add-ons, so they don't have to scan each page themselves
4 users
Plex Name Generator
Generate a name according to the Plex naming convention
4 users
App Store Review Templates
An browser web extension which add templating generic answer support to app store reviews website including Google Play Store. oogle Play Store.
4 users
Force Serif Font Temporarily
Force current web to use serif font
4 users
dcinside no bad request
Firefox add-on to prevent HTTP 400 errors caused by exceeding the header length limit
4 users
Random Text #__C_M_H__
Generates random text
4 users
View Github Issues&PRs
Adds a shortcut button to a user's Github profile page to view the issues and pull requests posted by that user.
4 users
Table To Text
One click table to CSV, JSON or other formats.
4 users
Salesforce Status Helper
Salesforce Status Helper will help keep you logged into Omni-Channel for when those unexpected disconnects occur without warning.
4 users
Ivoox formatter
Esta extensión añade las siguientes mejoras en la página de Ivoox: - El formato de tiempo transcurrido de un audio pasa del formato [mmm:ss] a [hh:mm:ss] - Añade saltos de linea en los comentarios - Tranforma URLs en enlaces
4 users
NDS Updated Moderation
Rendons l'interface de modération plus agréable.
4 users
네이버 블로그 모바일 뷰 화면의 가독성을 올려줍니다.
4 users
Improves usability of certain elements in TeamDynamix.
3 users
Netflix Viewing Activity
This open-source extension automatically retrieves your Netflix viewing activity in JSON or CSV format.
3 users
Instantly generate a Wikipedia citation template for the current website.
3 users
Tiira search filter
Add filtering and sorting to the Tiira.fi search results
3 users
Genea Ancestry Add to Tree AutoClick
Automatically checks or unchecks all checkboxes when adding new information or people to your Ancestry family trees.
3 users
Bark Watchdog for Firefox
Monitor Firefox web browsing for inappropriate content and for removal of primary application.
3 users
Show Close Tab Button
Show a close button on each active tab to close it.
3 users
Obliterates rounded corners.
3 users