Dispa Bot
Bot para consultar los nits desde el aplicativo SID, luego descarga archivo excel con la consulta realizada de los nits
0 users
Never "For You". Always "Following".
This add-on automatically clicks on the 'Following' tab on Twitter, once, on page load, when you visit the current version of https://twitter.com/home.
0 users
Open in (GitHub) Dev!
Conveniently open GitHub repos in GitHub.dev via right-click.
0 users
0 users
Tweet from Context Menu
Use the right-click menu to tweet selected text
0 users
Redirects reddit.com to old.reddit.com
0 users
Tab Searcher
Show all active tabs open in the browser, select and navigate to selected tab.
0 users
0 users
favorileyenleri imha et
automatically blocks users that has added the selected entry to their favourites, on eksisozluk.com main script written by: https://eksisozluk.com/biri/integrali-ceren-olan-adam
0 users
Permet de télécharger un bilan annuel en version CSV (utilisant des ; comme séparateurs)
0 users
Amazon linkCode Remover
Amazon Link Code Remover enhances privacy by removing "linkCode" parameters from Amazon URLs. This reduces tracking data collection across all Amazon domains worldwide.
0 users
Twitter to maeil
Use a cuter Maeil milk logo than X
0 users
Custom search engines
This extension is for a smaller search engine embeded into yours you can use it like type Croatia wikipedia and it will show you results from varius diffrent sources
0 users
Followed By
Followed By uses GitHub’s public API to fetch mutual followers for every profile you visit, straight to the profile page!
0 users
0 users
Block distracting sites to maintain focus
0 users
GameHub Notifier
Shows off desktop notifications set by user as a reminder to distract on purpose. No background processes or anything except an offline desktop notification.
0 users
JIRA Standup Mode
Standup mode to show kanban board with more vertical space
0 users
Step 1: Enter your search query into Google. Step 1.1: Wait for the search results page to load. Step 2: Press the keyboard shortcut Alt + Z. Step 3: The first five open tabs will automatically open. Happy searching, traveler!
0 users
Vezzra will help translate text if you or your friend forgot to change the keyboard layout
0 users
Plugin co přidává tlačítka pro specifické pracovní stránky, které odkazují na moje webovky..
0 users
Create new menu of recommended prices on bizmania.ru
0 users
Gmail Persistent Sidebar
Keeps email, chat and spaces sidebar always visible.
0 users
An extension for Echo that implements fixes, features, and redesigns, all aimed at enhancing the overall experience of using Echo.
0 users