Adblock Plus 的评价
Adblock Plus 作者: Adblock Plus
1,040 条评价
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Vitaly,7 年前I've used Adblock Plus for years, it gave me a full control of blocking of the unwanted content. Not only ads, but unwanted blocks on some sites and so on.
But during last update application have lost my personal blocking lists and removed all configuration. For now it works in fully automated mode and don't do what i really need. It's a very serious step back.
Is there any way to return to previous really great app?
p.s. Maybe app author was hacked by someone and this person replaced great app with this trash? :( - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12802998,7 年前Why do developers need to "update" their software by going backward ? I'm going back to the 2.9.1 version :(
Here's the link to old versions (forget 2.99)
It will stop working with Firefox 57
I'm sick about softwares like Firefox that where poorly designed in a way that they have to rewrite part of their stuff which for a software that use plugins made by others is just wrong. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13430515,7 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 am,7 年前That "new" interface is total disaster. For now I just simply went back to 2.9.1 version.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 6088424,7 年前This is NOT an improvement! Put your ego aside and listen to your users.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 smishe,7 年前Yes , I will have to find something else instead before you bring back the list of blockable elements .
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13429940,7 年前Völlig unbenutzbar seit Version 3.0. Jetzt leider grottenschlecht. Bin schon auf der Suche nach Alternativen.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 drake,7 年前The new user interface is really, really bad. A massive fail. Don't tell us it's "better" because it isn't! Not for use ABP users. You may love it, but I as a user HATE IT! And I see that I'm not the only one. You're crippled the user's ability to intelligently customize ABP. WHY??? What prompted you to do this? It makes no sense. I'm really unhappy about this. Is it an "ego" thing? Because I think you, the dev, are the only person that's happy about what you've done. I guess we'll see how responsive you are the actual users.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13343974,7 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13429387,7 年前Отвратительно!
После обновления до версии 3 пользоватся стало невозможно, приходится отключать дополнение!
До этого пользовался много лет все было отлично, что нужно блокировалось легко и быстро. Теперь приходится смотреть рекламу пока исчезнет окно и только потом появится шанс заблокировать рекламу или всю страницу. Фильтры не понятные, как редактировать ссылки тоже не понятно. Складывается ощущение что дополнение купили рекламодатели и сделали все против простых пользователей.
Откатите на старый интерфейс и больше не экспериментируйте! - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13428908,7 年前Bring back the list of blockable elements! I don't get why you would even consider changing an add-on that worked so well for so long. Big mistake!
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12643345,7 年前About version 3.0 and up - when I had seen that I thought to myself "what da" It is most horrible interface I have ever seen and most of usable options and features are gone. I understand the fact that You guys had been forced to migrate to WebX but this? What was the problem to recreate old functional ABP popup to looks like old popup?
Element hiding helper looks like sh1t as well. Or maybe it is not even this addon?
Beside, I have seen changelog - where is the damn fix for 2.9.1 to newly saving format? I have lost whole my filters base once (storage.js). The file was there but APB has been ignoring it. So I am slowly recreating it from scratch. - 评分 1 / 5来自 bubba,7 年前Please put the interface and control options back to the way it was, including the element hiding helper. With this new update it works just like the Chrome version which is HORRIBLE and one of the main reasons I have avoided Chrome all these years. Put it BACK PLEASE!!
Put it back exactly the way it was before all these people dump it for something else, including myself. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13427110,7 年前Столько лет пользовался этим расширением, но после последнего обновления с новым интерфейсом совсем стало невозможно работать, плюс появились глюки, появляется реклама, буду удалять и искать альтернативный блокировщик рекламы.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13427369,7 年前All of a sudden, I found this addon a total stranger to me. Yes I know firefox has made a lot of weird changes that programmers have hard time catching on, but making your addon more unintuitive won't miraculously make things right again. It's very sad to see you go the wrong way. Are the ad companies really that powerful to make you look plain stupid?
- 评分 1 / 5来自 noone1,7 年前What the hell is it going on?? adp is auto updating itself nearly everyday, each time deleting all the filters lists which have to be re-imported!.. don't have time for this game!
First time the new interface show off, I though i was infected with some hawfull malware. Plus, how how can it allows itself to do that? No warning in firefox, nore in malwarebytes, firewalls, mse , etc, will have to blacklist adblockplus site's IP! Mozilla is boring everyone with webextension, at least this new shitty version of adp demonstrates webextensions are far less secure!
How to disable adp addon to autoupdate? For now, I uninstalled it, what other filter addon do you advice guys? (ublockorigin, umatrix?) - 评分 1 / 5来自 Bullete,7 年前After the last update you can't disable Adblock globally by clicking the icon with the middle mouse button. In fact, there's no way to disable it globally the time you need. The only way to do that is to add domains to the whitelist... and then, when you want to block ads again, you have to delete them from there in settings.
Global adblocking disable was a fantastic feature, please bring it back.
Thank you.
Desde la última actualización no se puede desactivar el bloqueo de anuncios globalmente pulsando el botón del medio del ratón. De hecho, no hay ninguna forma de desactivar el bloqueo globalmente el tiempo que necesites. La única manera de hacerlo es añadir dominios a la lista blanca... y luego cuando quieras bloquear anuncios otra vez, tienes que borrarlas de ahí desde los ajustes.
Desactivar el bloqueo de anuncios de forma global era una caractarística fantástica, por favor implementadla de nuevo.
Gracias. - 评分 1 / 5来自 OpenRoad,7 年前Why the change? I can't say it any better or clearer then the person that wrote the below comment.
I Quote this again because I'm betting there are many that feel the same way.
"To say that the 3.0 update sucks is far too kind. This is a travesty. Blaming WebExtensions is easy, but the developer has had ages to come up with something better than this - how did we end up with this feature-less, control-less, information-deprived, hideous, buggy piece of garbage? Amongst other problems listed here en masse, the options don't even stick!
Obviously nobody should upgrade to this version and if you did, then you should go to the "all versions" section and downgrade right away. Then disable auto-plugin-updating and stick with Firefox 56.0.2 for the foreseeable future.
What's really sad is that Adblock Plus is why people use Firefox. With this ugly train wreck of a release, Firefox is going to die. The worst thing is that the developer couldn't see forward into the future and move over to a better browser project like Pale Moon. If he'd done that, Firefox would have went to its grave and Pale Moon would have become the next great Mozilla-esque project. Bad decisions will leave both browsers as inconsequential remnants from the past.
All good things....
Rated 1 out of 5
by Anonymous user e9657f,"
I can't help but really wonder what is in store for the future of what was one of the greatest browsers. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13426033,7 年前