Bitwarden – 免费密码管理器 的评价
Bitwarden – 免费密码管理器 作者: Bitwarden Inc.
408 条评价
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Untwist3419,7 小时前Slow, buggy since the UI update. It take almost 60 seconds to update a password now, not use able anymore.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 9771322,6 天前Всё что с привязкой почты это ерунда: не известно кто и как использует их на другом сервере. Я бы ни кому не рекомендовал. Мастер пароль и все пароли должены храниться только на вашем устройстве.
Everything related to mail binding is nonsense: it is not known who uses them on another server or how. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. The master password and all passwords should be stored only on your device. - 评分 1 / 5来自 FFUser999999999,7 天前Whatever they did in the Feb 19 release, they should reverse it. The new UI is clunky and completely unintuitive. The button to autofill is now a tiny spec. The card that used to autofill just shows the details. I've reverted to the 2024.12.4 version until such a time when they fix these issues.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15386101,9 天前Logs errors to console: TypeError: this is undefined in /content/bootstrap-autofill.js, method checkPageContainsShadowDom ()
- 评分 1 / 5来自 sksskaska,10 天前Loved it until new UI. Now it sucks. Old UI was faster and way more efficient to use. Please either rollback UI changes or let us choose between old and new.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 D1Reviews,10 天前Bitwarden has lost its way. The extension has gotten worse and worse since its major update late last year (that nobody was asking for anyway). After its latest update, the extension is completely unusable on Mac, and apparently there is no urgency to issuing a fix. Poorly written, poorly designed, poorly executed, poorly tested, slow bloated mess.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Ryan,10 天前It was just fine, then they updated the interface.
Now there are missing features (auto prompt biometrics, for example).
Also, why do I need it to list my entire password vault contents on every site?!? WTF - 评分 1 / 5来自 XerXes777,11 天前WARUM??? Ein Update heißt, das es BESSER werden muss. Mit diesem UPDATE ist es SCHLECHTER geworden. Die Windows Hello kommt nun nicht mehr Automatisch. Ich muss wieder ein Klick mehr machen. WARUM???
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Lyxon,11 天前Version 2025.2.0
Das beste Beispiel wie man ein gut funktionierende Erweiterung mit einem kleinem "fix" komplett verkacken kann.
Vermutlich ein Freizeitprogrammierer der sich nur mit ChatGPT selbst auf die Schulter klopft.
Gratuliere du programmier-nobody. Hättest du mal selber diese Erweiterung benutzt hättest du selbst bemerkt wie langsam/nervig die zusätzlichen klicks sind. Und dabei ist die verschlimmerung der übersichtlichkeit mal außer acht gelasssen. Aber fällt ein chatgpt programmiere vermutlich nicht auf der nur 5 passwörter speichert weil der rest auf einem zettel am bildschirm klebt.
In Kurz: langsame response, mehr klicks, grauenhaft unübersichtlich
Lösung: Downgrade zur vorherigen version
Version 2025.2.0
The best example of how a well-functioning extension can be completely ruined with a small "fix".
Probably a hobby programmer who is just patting himself on the back with ChatGPT.
Congratulations, you programming nobody. If you had ever used this extension yourself, you would know how slow/annoying the additional clicks are. And that doesn't even take into account the overview in clarity. But a Chatgpt programmer who only saves 5 passwords because the rest are stuck on a piece of paper on the screen will probably not notice.
In short: slow response, more clicks, confusing interface
Solution: downgrade to the previous version - 评分 1 / 5来自 aeharding,12 天前I don't like the new UI. Everything looks weird and the buttons are really small
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Limonkufu,14 天前used to be great but new extension sucks! the UI is terrible, it seems someone who have not been using it wrote it. I had to enable 5 different settings in different places to get it to work nicely.
Fingerprint login is broken saying extension is out of date but there are no updates either. - 评分 1 / 5来自 MasonDD,14 天前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13772360,14 天前Latest update has downgraded the speed and ease of use of this plugin. New toast notifications self dismissing, that block the view and inform you in great detail that you have just copied your username, or password etc. The plugin is slow to load up than before, and clicking the entry to autofill does not always work. The plugin drop down appears larger and occupies a larger area on the screen. As a result it takes longer to locate things and it looks very busy. This material UI guided UX has taken away the sleekness and speed that existed before.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18853230,15 天前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Dave Name,15 天前Hard pass on this quirky, annoying, and badly-coded app.
For instance, if you have the audacity to scale up your display, then look out - the annoyance factor will be ramped up by a factor of 10.
The app doesn't play nice with display upscaling. It doesn't allow for scrolling (or rearranging) within itself to get to other saved websites - it has a popout feature to do so that itself functions badly. So if you utilize that function, and go to a saved website, the app can block the login info, rendering the whole exercise useless.
And getting the app to close (or not close, as the case may be) so you can get to your desktop when closing FF provides further annoyance that shouldn't be the case if it was properly coded.
I've only gotten this thing to actually work for ONE website (i.e., where it filled in the password automatically), and that was before that website disappeared in the app and I had to use the aforementioned popout feature...that blocked the website login page.
I could go on and on about the annoying quirks I've encountered with this thing (on Win 10 computer), but the main obvious problem is that it is badly coded/badly designed from an intuitive, common-sense perspective. It's as if the designers didn't even test out its features for functionality.
It is astounding to me that this thing has received any favorable reviews from the likes of folks who should know better, such as PC Mag.
If this is the best out there, then I'm glad I haven't come across the worst. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18847959,18 天前Just to reiterate. It has been months it seems that the firefox extension lags behind the desktop app wherein biometrics cannot be enabled. Hopefully it can be fixed soon! Will change my review to 5 starts when it is fixed.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18839802,23 天前最近、インターフェースの大幅な変更があり、慣れ切っていたところだったので戸惑いしかないが、それだけなら慣れの問題だが、これまで普通に動作していたのに、機能しなくなってしまったところがあるのはいただけない。
パスワードジェネレーターの設定値が反映されないバグは致命的なので、大至急修正お願いします。 - 评分 1 / 5来自 ORANUCH,25 天前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17338629,1 个月前The current version 2024.12.4 of the extension is incompatible with the latest version 2025.1.3 of the desktop app.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Damian B,1 个月前Password autofill doesn't work on some sites... For example, enter login: testtt1234 and click "Next" on the site:
In the older addon version (2024.9.1) everything works fine. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Jordan Majd,1 个月前New UI takes more clicks; more copy pastes, more scrolls to get anything done
Used Bitwarden for years and it was my favorite password manager but the latest UI update is unbearable. I gave myself some time to get used to it and relearn the new user interface but I'm now searching for a new password manager
- more websites are failing to auto fill both passwords and credit cards
- you have to enable a setting in order to be able to easily fill passwords in an app focused on enabling passwords
- compact mode takes more space than normal mode used to resulting in more scrolling
- copying credit card info manually takes at least 6 more clicks because of how you need to filter types
- They changed selecting an item to view details instead of fill a password (they added a setting to change this - but if you enable it you are unable to easily edit items because you have to then click on a menu, click on a dropdown item to view the item, then click on edit to access edit)
- editing information takes more clicks than it used to - 评分 1 / 5来自 Saimon,1 个月前It used to work so well but recent update broke my premium feature. Not the OTPT don't work. I have to install older version for it to work. I created a ticket with them but they don't know if it will ever get fixed.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 justsomereviewer,1 个月前Seriously the developers just need to spend some time seeing how nice 1Password works and looks, and then try to make Bitwarden suck 100x less.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18806816,1 个月前Bitwarden was my favorite piece of tech for the past few years. The browser plugin redesign ruined it.
It looks shinier, but everything about it is worse. It is slower to load, more cumbersome to navigate, less efficient at showing info (giant text, buttons, headers, fluff), and buggy.
The classic UI was nearly perfect, so I'm sad and frustrated that this daily-use tool is suddenly so much worse.