ExactNote 版本历史 - 7 个版本
版本 1.6.0
发布于 2023年12月8日 - 4.78 MB适用于 firefox 65.0 及更高版本, android 65.0 及更高版本This version fixes the following bugs:
1. The previous version required two clicks to dismiss the Annotation button - This bug is fixed
2. The previous version blocked copying text - This bug is fixed源代码遵循 保留所有权利 发布
下载 Firefox您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展较早版本
版本 1.5.0
发布于 2023年10月30日 - 4.77 MB适用于 firefox 65.0 及更高版本, android 120.0 及更高版本The following was changed:
1. For maintenance purposes, library versions were upgraded.
2. For maintenance purposes, node version and Angular version were upgraded.
3. A bug involving the dismissal of the Annotate button was fixed.源代码遵循 保留所有权利 发布
版本 1.4.0
发布于 2023年10月13日 - 4.77 MB适用于 firefox 65.0 及更高版本, android 120.0 及更高版本This version fixes a few minor bugs:
1. Problems with LaTeX and markdown are fixed
2. Problems with annotations when permanent highlights are present are fixed
3. Character limit is increased for better answers源代码遵循 保留所有权利 发布
版本 1.2.0
发布于 2023年9月4日 - 4.58 MB适用于 firefox 65.0 及更高版本, android 65.0 至 68.*This version fixes issues with picture annotation. Previously, picture annotation sometimes interfered with normal website function when mousing over pictures or tapping on them in Firefox Mobile. Now, picture annotation must be explicitly enabled, which prevents it from being an unwanted nuissance during normal web browser use.源代码遵循 保留所有权利 发布
版本 1.1.0
发布于 2023年6月5日 - 4.56 MB适用于 firefox 65.0 及更高版本, android 65.0 至 68.*The following bugs were fixed:
1. Previously, PDF documents didn't properly download and open in the browser. This bug has been fixed.
2. Remarks can not be edited.
3. Reputations for remarks are now displayed.源代码遵循 保留所有权利 发布
版本 1.0.0
发布于 2023年5月2日 - 4.56 MB适用于 firefox 65.0 及更高版本, android 65.0 至 68.*This version is a stable release of our extension providing annotation capability for web pages and pictures. For desktop browsers, it also provides pdf annotation capability. Furthermore, the extension can be easily disabled and enabled on any page.源代码遵循 保留所有权利 发布
版本 0.9.3
发布于 2023年4月5日 - 4.56 MB适用于 firefox 65.0 及更高版本, android 65.0 至 68.*The following has changed in this version:
1. The privacy modal was updated to a 1 step flow for both desktop and Android devices
2. Sidebar styling was modified fixing bugs in some Android devices
3. A bug in the notepad title edit field in some Android devices was fixed源代码遵循 保留所有权利 发布