FireMonkey 作者: erosman
Super Lightweight User Script and Style Manager
您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展
Firemonkey is a totally new combined user-Scripts and user-Style manager. While it has similar functions to other user-Script managers like GreaseMonkey/Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey, and user-CSS managers like Stylish/Stylus/xStyle, there are also differences.
Note: None of my extensions contain any tracking, advertising or privacy infringement. They all have Mozilla Open Source licence. The source is clear and accessible by extracting the XPI.
Note: Firefox for Android support is experimental (v2.12+)
External Reviews
FireMonkey uses Firefox's official API for userscripts and userstyles
How to use Userscripts, Userstyles with FireMonkey in Firefox?
Note: None of my extensions contain any tracking, advertising or privacy infringement. They all have Mozilla Open Source licence. The source is clear and accessible by extracting the XPI.
Note: Firefox for Android support is experimental (v2.12+)
- Lightweight extension for both User-Scripts and User-Styles
- Secure dedicated API (Firefox 65+) to handle User-Scripts
- Turn Scripts/CSS On/Off from Toolbar Button
- Supports both GM3 & GM4 (GM_*** and GM.***) style functions plus some new API (e.g. fetch)
- Script/CSS Auto & Manual Update
- Export/Import Preferences (for backup or share) to/from a local file on your computer
- Export/Import Scripts & CSS
- @require for requiring other saved scripts
- @container support
- Web Install scripts from GreasyFork, OpenUserJS & Stylish userstyles
- Direct Install scripts loaded into tab from GreasyFork, OpenUserJS & file:///
- Console logged script errors are referenced to the individual script
- Temporarily insert existing userScript & userCSS
- Scratchpad to temporarily insert CSS & JavaScript
- Log to display latest error & script update messages
- Notifications from scripts show script's name
- Help Guide included
- Input data to the clipboard: Used to Copy to Clipboard
- Download files and read and modify the browser’s download history: Used only to export Script/CSS/Preferences
- Display notifications to you: Used to inform users
- Access browser tabs: Used to get data for tab operations
- Store unlimited amount of client-side data: Used by the user to store Scripts & CSS
- Access browser activity during navigation: Used to display the running scripts in active tab
- Access your data for all websites: Used to inject Script/CSS
External Reviews
FireMonkey uses Firefox's official API for userscripts and userstyles
How to use Userscripts, Userstyles with FireMonkey in Firefox?
- 输入数据到剪贴板
- 下载文件和读取与修改浏览器的下载历史
- 为您显示通知
- 存取浏览器标签页
- 无限量存储客户端数据
- 获知浏览器导航时的行为状态
- 存取您在所有网站的数据
2.73 的发布说明
Added &
Fixed a typo error in GM getResourceUrl (#659) (from 2.68)
Fixed an issue with Custom Options CSS process (#293)
Removed openerTabId from GM openInTab on Android
Suppressed error logging on failure to inject installation confirmation (#601)
Upgraded js-beautify to 1.15.1
Fixed a typo error in GM getResourceUrl (#659) (from 2.68)
Fixed an issue with Custom Options CSS process (#293)
Removed openerTabId from GM openInTab on Android
Suppressed error logging on failure to inject installation confirmation (#601)
Upgraded js-beautify to 1.15.1
erosman 制作的更多扩展
- 目前尚无评分
- 目前尚无评分
- 目前尚无评分
- 目前尚无评分
- 目前尚无评分
- 目前尚无评分
Minimum version increased to Firefox 68
Version 1.0-1.24
The Official release of the API was postponed to FF68. The API can be manually enabled for Firefox 65 to 67 users via about:config?filter=extensions.webextensions.userScripts.enabled
The API is enabled by default on Nightly.