Ghostery – 隐私广告拦截工具 的评价
Ghostery – 隐私广告拦截工具 作者: Ghostery
–Phase– 的评价
评分 3 / 5
来自 –Phase–,7 年前As good as it is, I ended up having to disable it because it was causing some incessant problems on many of the sites I frequently visit. To start with, it always blocks Disqus, a comment system frequently used all over the net and although blocking of Disqus can be disabled, even after doing that, I'm still unable to log in to DIsqus unless I completely pause Ghostery, log in, then unpause it. Even then, when I unpause Ghostery and I reload the page, I find that I've been logged out of Disqus, yet this doesn't happen when I keep Ghostery paused. It also frequently causes problems on a bunch of different websites, such as blocking captchas, making it impossible to do certain things like log into some sites or create accounts on others. I could go on and on, but long story short, it caused me too many problems than it solved, so I'll be keeping it disabled until it gets a few patches
发布于 7 年前Hey there.. sounds like if you toggle off the Ant-Tracking module this may solve your issue. More info here: