Gladiatus Crazy Add On 版本历史 - 6 个版本
Gladiatus Crazy Add On 作者: GreatApo, DarkThanos
Gladiatus Crazy Add On 版本历史 - 6 个版本
版本 4.3.9
发布于 2024年9月17日 - 4.53 MB适用于 firefox 58.0 及更高版本, android 120.0 及更高版本源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
下载 Firefox您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展较早版本
版本 4.3.8
发布于 2024年6月4日 - 4.51 MB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本, android 120.0 及更高版本### IMPROVEMENTS
- **Global**
- [x] Pantheon menu is now expandable with a + button [#427]
- [x] Added 4 new settings to disable buttons for: Expeditions, Dungeons, Arena or Circus Turma [#427]
- [x] Menu - all merchant categories can be now merged into one [#430]
- [x] Menu - all item categories can now be merged into one [#430]
- [x] Arena tables overhaul and custom GCA scrollbar are now both a separate feature
- [x] Get a notification when your health is below a specific percentage (customizable in settings) [#84]
- [x] When GCA is installed or updated (or it's data was purged), you will receive a one time version notification [#66]
- [x] Added missing cdn images
- **Forge**
- [x] Select item with double click (Smelt/Repair) [#432]
- **Pantheon quests**
- [x] Item reward names are now showed without hovering [#265]
- **Settings**
- [x] Added a completely new section "Main menu" for better settings navigation
- [x] Added the extension version in the logo with a link leading to GCA GitHub
- **Global**
- [x] Recipes load fix (for Manifest v3, thus Chrome, Edge & Opera) [#421]
- [x] Fixed settings icon being hidden under the event timer, if Gladiatus site fixes & improvements were disabled in the settings (#403)
- [x] Failed to detect enemy on resource drop fix [#419]
- [x] Mystery box costumes ruby value set to 7 [#418]
- [x] Fixed error when exiting the chat [#415]
- [x] Fixed double line (menu) tab collision when event and shortcuts bar are active in some cases [#332]
- [x] Firefox script load fix [#440]
- [x] Fix for new pact activation [#441]
- **Messages**
- [x] Fixed pinned message icon not showing [#348]
- **Players**
- [x] The "can use items up to" info now takes in account lower player levels [#423]
- **Locations**
- [x] Fixed the "Lemures" enemy not showing resource drops [#439]
- **Updates**
- [x] Finnish translations by Dalmore
- [x] Czech updates by FrutyX
- [x] Greek updates by GreatApo源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 4.3.7
发布于 2022年9月14日 - 4.49 MB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本, android 48.0 至 68.*源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 4.3.6
发布于 2022年9月12日 - 4.49 MB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本, android 48.0 至 68.*源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 4.3.5
发布于 2021年12月31日 - 4.45 MB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本, android 48.0 至 68.*### IMPROVEMENTS
- **Global**
- Improved addon's per page loading speed
- Gold & Exp stats: added button to reset data by FrutyX (#284)
- **Accessibility**
- Added option to turn item level indicator to white
- Added option to show item quality with symbols
- Added option to turn item tooltip titles to white
- Added option to show item quality with symbols in tooltips
- **Auction**
- Added more auction stats sorting options (critical, block etc) (#225)
- **Buddy List**
- Attack by id not by name (issue #241)
- **Training**
- Added some clarification at the footnotes (#248)
- **Shortcuts bar**
- Added a new button - shortcut to food auctions (#291)
- **Guild Warehouse**
- Now shows total gold value (same as merchants) (#290)
- **Guild Buildings Upgrade**
- Link to external buildings upgrade cost calculator
- **Guild Bank**
- Bank: Changed bank book link to speed up loading and off-load the servers (will only show detailed donation from the last 2 days)
- Donations Book: Display total gold spend on upgrades, total donated gold & stolen gold
- **Guild Storage**
- Remember last storage tab
- **Expeditions**
- Display enemy resources drop chances based on personal data (#303)
- **Quests**
- Quest item reward value displayed next to the icon (#265)
- **Reports**
- Show divine chest rewards in battle reports (#313)
- **Settings**
- Reduce exported settings size
- Added settings export to player's notes functionality
- Range bars' values live update on change
- Updated on/off toggle buttons
- Simplified and cleaned the sound system (#278)
- **Miscellaneous**
- Improved cookies security (#260)
- **Global**
- Missing translations added (#248)
- Removed zero player's settings and blocked writes/reads to his storage (when the addon can not detect your user's id, it treats you as the zero player)
- Fixed missing resources on some items (#263)
- Gold & Exp stats: icon position fix (#257)
- **Packages**
- Fix of double click bug (#238)
- Improvements on double click spot locking mechanics
- Fixed bag pop over no background bug (#273)
- Fixed item price layout bug (#274)
- Fixed wrong item colors + browser behaviour change (#282)
- Fixed last page load (this time for good) (#258)
- **Buddy List**
- Fixed scroll double error notifications (#242)
- **Guild**
- Medic site crash fix (#250)
- Market kick to lobby fix (#240)
- Library feature "Add more data on library's tooltips" was working only when "Improve library's layout" was enable
- Guild upgrade gold difference small style fixes (#280)
- Guild storage double click sell fix (#300)
- **Forge**
- Fixed scroll known retrieve crash (#243)
- Missing translation on horreum notification added (#246)
- Fixed wrong item link to Gladiatus-Tools webpage (#212)
- **Workbench**
- Fixed failed to get item after workbench fix (#272)
- **Reports**
- Battle analyzer (Turma/Dungeon) style fix (#254)
- Battle analyzer (Turma/Dungeon) stats not showing fix (#256)
- Battle analyzer (Turma/Dungeon) player names with special characters were not recognized (#256)
- **Auctions**
- Fixed number sorting (#235)
- **Guild Storage**
- Fix errors when visiting the admin tab
- **Accessibility**
- Fixed symbols showing in wrong tooltips (#253)
- **Settings**
- Fixed export that ignored some settings (#262)
- Removed unscripted feature from settings (#269)
- **Updates**
- Chinese update by @smoothGrace (#215)
- Czech update by @FrutyX
- German update by @Sleeping*Shadow
- Polish update by @Sorky96
- Greek update by @GramThanos
- Turkish update by @mattemre (#304)源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布
版本 4.3.4
发布于 2021年3月10日 - 4.43 MB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本, android 48.0 至 68.*CHANGELOG
- **Global**
- Addon now is able to detect a number of extensions that are against the terms of use of the game
- Style improvements while traveling (disable useless menu items)
- **Packages**
- Added bag pop over on scroll [[img]](
- **Auction**
- Items sort
- **Forge**
- Added button to store all resources at horreum
- Added new Scroll Book feature
- **Workbench**
- Fetch item from packages after repair
- **Target List**
- Added option to attack players from the same server
- **Global Arena**
- Visual Fixes
- Fixed server time recover bug (affected auctions multi bid)
- **Overview**
- Fixed overview scripts run after mercenary name change
- **Packages**
- Fixed wrong items recognized as scrolls
- Fixed not parsing last page upon auto load
- **Forge**
- Small console error fixed
- **Sync**
- Removed persistent cookie (Firefox policy)
- **Target List**
- Cross server add to target list fix
- **Market**
- Wrong items recognized as scrolls fix
- **Guild Storage**
- Detect uknown scrolls on guild storage
- **Updates**
- Czech update by @FrutyX
- Turkish update by @Emefar
- Portuguese update by @WagnerNarde
- Hungarian update by Saiid
- Lithuanian update by @Allison000源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v3.0 发布