Search from Popup or ContextMenu 作者: Yoshifumi Fuyuno
Fork of "Swift Selection Search". * Search by multiple search engines(GET or POST Method) at once * support folder management * support charset (UTF-8, RAW, Shift_JIS, EUC-JP, ISO-2022-JP, windows-1251, windows-1252(ISO-8859-1), Big5, GB18030).
您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展

# Search from Popup or ContextMenu (SPC)
This WebExtension is a *fork* of "Swift Selection Search (SSS)".
This is a customized version of SSS for my own use.
When you select text or image on a webpage, you can quickly search from the popup or contextmenu.
By default, popup appears when you drag an image, selected text, or link, but you can choose from the following behaviors.
"Popup/icons behaviour" -> "Opening behaviour":
(Off / Auto / Hold Alt / Keyboard-only / Middle mouse button / Click / Drag)
There are Firefox and Microsoft Edge versions.
Microsoft Edge version also works with Chromium-based browsers such as Google Chrome, but there's no technical support.
## Install
* Firefox
* Microsoft Edge
* Other Chromium-based browsers such as Google Chrome
## Privacy policy
## Different
## ChangeLog
## Contact
If you have any requests or issues, please GitHub Issues in Japanese or your first language.
It is easy to understand if there is a screenshot etc.
## Acknowledgment
I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to developers.
Original Extension:
Swift Selection Search by Daniel Lobo
Original Extension License: MIT License
This WebExtension is a *fork* of "Swift Selection Search (SSS)".
This is a customized version of SSS for my own use.
When you select text or image on a webpage, you can quickly search from the popup or contextmenu.
By default, popup appears when you drag an image, selected text, or link, but you can choose from the following behaviors.
"Popup/icons behaviour" -> "Opening behaviour":
(Off / Auto / Hold Alt / Keyboard-only / Middle mouse button / Click / Drag)
There are Firefox and Microsoft Edge versions.
Microsoft Edge version also works with Chromium-based browsers such as Google Chrome, but there's no technical support.
## Install
* Firefox
* Microsoft Edge
* Other Chromium-based browsers such as Google Chrome
## Privacy policy
- Search query are **not saved**.
- You can use suggest(Google or DuckDuckGo or Qwant or Bing or Яндекс(Yandex) or 百度(Baidu)) in the popup search box or omnibox search, but you can disable it in the settings.
"Popup/icons behaviour" -> "Enable search box suggest" - If you set your favicon to data: scheme and disable suggest, this extension will not access the network at all.
- exception
- If you add a search engine from the context menu or options page, cache the favicon as data: scheme.
- When adding a search engine from the context menu, if the normal addition is not possible, get OpenSearch if the site supports it.
- Processes performed by the browser (update and synchronization).
- exception
## Different
- Fork Changes (Based on SSS Version 3.33.0):
- Now works with Chromium-based browsers such as Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
- Now works on mobile browsers.
- The site's Content Security Policy(CSP) does not change.
(Original Extension(SSS) rewrites CSP to "unsafe-inline" after Ver.3.40.0) - You can search on multiple search engines at once.
- support POST Method search engine.
- support search engine folder management.
- added highlighting and auto-scrolling features.
- added the ability to highlight even if not via this add-on.
- added function to launch external applications (other browsers, yt-dlp, etc.).
- added Popup Style ("Icon only" / "Icon and Name" / "Name only").
(At "Icon only", the display mode can be temporarily switched by double-clicking) - support Bookmarklet. You can use Bookmarklet APIs.
(It can also be executed automatically when the popup is displayed) / (You can also import bookmarklets from your Bookmarks) - added Search box to Popup.
- added omnibox search.
- support suggestions from Google or DuckDuckGo or Qwant or Bing or Яндекс(Yandex) or 百度(Baidu) in the popup search box or omnibox search.
- added Hotkey search.
- added a function to easily add a search engine from the text box context menu.
- added search URL
is supports "Advanced usage".
(Used when you want to search by link URI. You can do the same by holding down the Ctrl key when searching from the context menu) - If no text is selected, the Clipboard Text is searched.
- Context menu display options.
- You can also search by link text or image URL.
- added Popup Opening behaviour "click" / "drag"
- added "Popup/icons behaviour" -> "Right mouse button click" / "Right mouse button Long-click" / "Left mouse button Long-click"
- added "Context menu" -> "Middle mouse button click" / "Right mouse button click"
- added Open in Window ("reuse new window" / "reuse new background window" / "new incognito (private) window" / "reuse new incognito(private) window" / "new background incognito(private) window" / "reuse new background incognito(private) window" / "new popup window" / "reuse new popup window" / "new background popup window" / "reuse new background popup window" / "sidebar (tab-specific)" / "sidebar (window-specific)" / "sidebar (global)")
(sidebar UserAgent can be changed) / (The Popup window can be closed automatically.(Off/LostFocus/Mouseleave)). - added Open in Tab ("reuse active tab" / "reuse new tab" / "reuse new background tab" / "reuse new tab (next to current tab)" / "reuse new background tab (next to current tab)" / "LazyLoad new background tab" / "LazyLoad new background tab (next to current tab)")
- added Ability to show last used engine first in popup.
- added Hide Popup with ESC key etc.
- added browserAction.
- Allow "open-popup" Command to display popup even if no string is selected.
- support charset (UTF-8, RAW(GET method only), Shift_JIS(SJIS), EUC-JP, ISO-2022-JP(JIS), windows-1251, windows-1252(ISO-8859-1), Big5, GB18030).
- When the OS is set to dark mode, the option page is displayed in dark mode.
- Import/Export Compatibility with the Original Extension Ver.3.33.0:
- Import can also import file from the Original Extension.
- File exported by SPC is not compatible with the Original Extension Search engines setting.
- Permissions different from Original Extension Ver.3.33.0:
- removed permissions: downloads, webNavigation.
- added permissions: clipboardRead(Clipboard text search), unlimitedStorage(data: scheme icons).
- added optional_permissions: bookmarks(Import bookmarklet), webRequest(Sidebar user agent), webRequestBlocking(Sidebar user agent), nativeMessaging(Launch external applications).
- From normal permissions to optional_permissions: clipboardWrite(copyToClipboard As Html/Text).
## ChangeLog
## Contact
If you have any requests or issues, please GitHub Issues in Japanese or your first language.
It is easy to understand if there is a screenshot etc.
## Acknowledgment
I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to developers.
Original Extension:
Swift Selection Search by Daniel Lobo
Original Extension License: MIT License
- 获取剪贴板数据
- 存取浏览器标签页
- 访问您在所有网站的数据
- 与 Firefox 之外的其他程序交换信息
- 读取和修改书签
- 输入数据到剪贴板
- 附加组件链接
- 版本
- 8.1
- 大小
- 79.12 KB
- 上次更新
- 2 年前 (2023年9月24日)
- 相关分类
- 许可证
- 保留所有权利
- 版本历史
- 标签
8.1 的发布说明
Version 8.1
Released Sep 24, 2023
* When "Popup/icons behaviour"->"Opening behaviour" is "Drag", it is now possible to select what the search query will be when dragging the <a> tag. (text / href / title / imgTag src)
* Adjusted the behavior when "Popup/icons behaviour"->"Opening behaviour" is set to "Auto" and the selection is made with a device other than a touch device. (GH-81)
* Right-click search by "Ctrl+Enter" and wheel-click search by "Shift+Enter" on the Filter box of Popup. (GH-77)
* When searching from the context menu, the results are now the same whether you press the modifier key first or last.
* fixed an issue where searching by link URL was not possible on some sites when displaying the context menu while holding down the Ctrl key on a link.
* Options page: Custom CSS can now be edited from the hamburger menu -> Theme button. (GH-33)
* Options page: fixed an issue where settings could not be exported on Firefox for Android.
Version 8.0.2
Released Jul 14, 2023
* fixed an issue where popup were not displayed on Input element or Textarea element even if "Allow popup on editable fields" is enabled when "Popup/icons behaviour"->"Opening behaviour" is "Auto". (GH-78)
Version 8.0.1
Released Jul 9, 2023
* Options page: fixed a problem that "Bookmarklet: request optional_permissions" permission request is not made when pressing buttons such as "autoCopyToClipboardAsText" that require permissions.
Version 8.0
Released Jul 9, 2023
* It now works with mobile browsers.
* In the environment where there is a touch device, the popup is displayed when the range is selected by touch.
* You can now change the sidebar UserAgent in browsers other than Firefox.
* fixed an issue where popup were not displayed properly on some sites.
* Options page: UI tweaks.
Version 7.4
Released Feb 12, 2023
* When an error is returned by searching from the context menu in a tab that has a privileged URL, etc., it is now handled.
* Options page: adjusted color scheme in dark mode.
* Options page: fixed an issue in Ver.7.3 where text color was no longer changed when a check box was disabled.
--- Maximum 3,000 characters, so omitted ---
Version 1.1
Released Jul 22, 2019
* Based on SSS Version:3.33.0
Released Sep 24, 2023
* When "Popup/icons behaviour"->"Opening behaviour" is "Drag", it is now possible to select what the search query will be when dragging the <a> tag. (text / href / title / imgTag src)
* Adjusted the behavior when "Popup/icons behaviour"->"Opening behaviour" is set to "Auto" and the selection is made with a device other than a touch device. (GH-81)
* Right-click search by "Ctrl+Enter" and wheel-click search by "Shift+Enter" on the Filter box of Popup. (GH-77)
* When searching from the context menu, the results are now the same whether you press the modifier key first or last.
* fixed an issue where searching by link URL was not possible on some sites when displaying the context menu while holding down the Ctrl key on a link.
* Options page: Custom CSS can now be edited from the hamburger menu -> Theme button. (GH-33)
* Options page: fixed an issue where settings could not be exported on Firefox for Android.
Version 8.0.2
Released Jul 14, 2023
* fixed an issue where popup were not displayed on Input element or Textarea element even if "Allow popup on editable fields" is enabled when "Popup/icons behaviour"->"Opening behaviour" is "Auto". (GH-78)
Version 8.0.1
Released Jul 9, 2023
* Options page: fixed a problem that "Bookmarklet: request optional_permissions" permission request is not made when pressing buttons such as "autoCopyToClipboardAsText" that require permissions.
Version 8.0
Released Jul 9, 2023
* It now works with mobile browsers.
* In the environment where there is a touch device, the popup is displayed when the range is selected by touch.
* You can now change the sidebar UserAgent in browsers other than Firefox.
* fixed an issue where popup were not displayed properly on some sites.
* Options page: UI tweaks.
Version 7.4
Released Feb 12, 2023
* When an error is returned by searching from the context menu in a tab that has a privileged URL, etc., it is now handled.
* Options page: adjusted color scheme in dark mode.
* Options page: fixed an issue in Ver.7.3 where text color was no longer changed when a check box was disabled.
--- Maximum 3,000 characters, so omitted ---
Version 1.1
Released Jul 22, 2019
* Based on SSS Version:3.33.0
Yoshifumi Fuyuno 制作的更多扩展
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