uBlock Origin 的评价
uBlock Origin 作者: Raymond Hill
348 条评价
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13318139,7 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13228984,7 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13310933,7 年前Hey there, worked flawlessly until a couple of versions ago, now it just randomly decides to block new tabs on some websites or even plainly does not register clicks or again renders search bars useless.
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 11204942,7 年前i liked it very much, but I can't open links in ebay, only with open in a new tab. Please can you fix it?
- 评分 3 / 5来自 furydeath,7 年前well it works you just can't watch youtube videos cause it block the whole video so I guess it still counts as blocking ads
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13302795,7 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13300853,7 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13289735,7 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 tunners,8 年前this latest version screws up the wordpress dashboard.
Even with the site whitelisted, dashboard links do not load, but instead just get placed in the navigation toolbar and need to be manually loaded. - 评分 3 / 5来自 jsmithson,8 年前I'm running Mac Firefox ESR 52.3.0. I had many "cosmetic" custom filters created in UBlock Origin (in "the dashboard"), which were working fine. They represented hours of my work in cleaning up many websites that I visit regularly.
The update to UBO 1.14.4 completely deleted all my filters without warning! I couldn't figure out which exact file they were in so I had to restore my entire FF profile from backup.
After I got my filters back... they didn't work very well. About half of my custom filters were ignored; or they'd work when first created, but as soon as that web page reloaded, they were ignored.
On UBO's github page, I discovered that this problem was discovered, discussed, and a new bugfix version posted: 1.14.8. However Firefox warned me not to install it from github because it wasn't "verified." I installed it anyway and the problem seems to have been fixed. - 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13270924,8 年前When pressing on ublock origin in the drop down menu in Firefox 57.0a1 Android the page that opens shows a huge on off button and the text is large as well. I use the advanced mode and some settings is out of reach because it is too wide inside the page.
I use a Samsung galaxy tab pro 12.2 and most websites looks better in desktop mode on that screen size. So it would be great if ublock could fit in the page.
Otherwise ublock is a great addon that prevents lots of downloading of data from ads. - 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13270359,8 年前Worked great until the last update. Now blocks nothing and the menu isn't accessible. Also disappears on restart of Firefox. Tried un- then reinstalling, no fix.
- 评分 3 / 5来自 delicacy,8 年前I'm using firefox 44.0.2 because it's the only one that complies
with the functionality of all my addons. nevertheless, with ubo,
when i open help and troubleshooting information,
firefox crashes with ubo enabled.
Do you have a version to advise me that would avoid it ?
Thanks - 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13266391,8 年前Что за .... , прошу исправить (удалил и поставил заново не работает)!!!
- 评分 3 / 5来自 seeley,8 年前Latest uBlock update ERASED my custom filters and slows FF and it's extremely difficult to right click to Block Element. Luckily, I had a backup of version 1.13.8 which restored my custom filters. Whew! I forgot to set Automatic Updates to OFF when I originally installed this.
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13265053,8 年前was etwas nervig ist und warum ich es wieder deinstalliert habe ist, dass viele links nicht geladen werden. in der statuszeile schon, aber die seite bleibt leer. man muss erst "neu laden" drücken, dann erscheint auch die seite. das nervt ziemlich. hab auch schon einige einstellungen im dashboard ausprobiert. leider hilft das bei mir nicht
ansonsten nicht schlecht der blocker, aber für mich im moment nicht brauchbar - 评分 3 / 5来自 Ralf,8 年前I'm running Windows 7 as 64 bit and followed the instructions from crazycheese (tx for the thought) he tried in Linux.
Result: when restarting firefox the uBlock Origin xpi file got removed ... including a savecopy I created (just renamed the original file to *.old).
Interesting enough, the deleted files are not in the system trash. A new installation is not possible. For more, uBlock origin is also not appearing any longer in the add on list. Means to me that it got removed.
Hence please be careful when following the steps under windows ... - 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13264028,8 年前Ich muss den UBlock Origin leider immer wieder aktualisieren , jedes Mal wenn ich den Firefox neu starte .Gibt es da Abhilfe ? Beim letzten FF ging das alles noch einwandfrei von selbst.
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13179385,8 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13246545,8 年前Just no load image, blank page. I come from link and see this bug again
- 评分 3 / 5来自 NewView,8 年前I absolutely LOVE uBlock Origin. That said, I'm having issues after updating to Firefox 55.0.3 (32-bit). When visiting eBay ... NONE of the links work, unless I click the link, then do a CNTRL-R. Disabling uBlock Origin restores normal eBay link functions. Ebay is the only site I've found this behavior on. Hope it's fixed soon!