Нотатки до лотів на NewAuction.org
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2 个用户
漫畫瀏覽器 Manga Browser
抓取網頁漫畫的更新、記錄閱讀進度,並以清單呈現。 Scrapes for manga updates, records chapter previously read and displays them in a list.
2 个用户
Torn Trade Calculator
Calculates the total value of items in a trade on Torn.com by making an API call to my website with a JSON of the items in a trade
1 个用户
Daily Monitor Prime
Makes Daily Monitor Prime Articles Accessible.
1 个用户
Domain Extractor
Extracts the domain from the active tab.
1 个用户
Blockout 2024
Warns users about social media accounts linked to enabling the genocide in Gaza.
1 个用户
IP Change Notifier
Tracks your IP address and notifies you if it changes.
1 个用户
A browser extension based anti-phishing system. Check out at https://thesis-cs.ddns.net/
1 个用户
Your Sidekick for Every Meeting 1Page summary for every successful meeting!
1 个用户
Celular YouTube Blocker
Blocks YouTube when using a mobile (celular) network.
0 个用户