9,831 个用户
Pinned Google Calendar
Go to the pinned Google Calendar tab. If it doesn't exist, it's created.
9,563 个用户
Add subtitles to any video or movie online. Be it on Netflix, Disney+, Youtube or any other online streaming platform.
9,154 个用户
Choose what video codec YouTube should play for you
8,226 个用户
Form History Control
Manage form history entries (search, edit, cleanup, export/import) and easy text formfiller. Auto-save text entered in any form while typing to allow fast recovery when disaster strikes.
7,842 个用户
7,506 个用户
Scratch Addons
Scratch Addons provides customizable features and themes for the website and project editor.
6,752 个用户
Super Agent - Automatic cookie consent
Super Agent automatically fills out website's cookie consent forms for you based on your preferences. Super Agent will save you a lot of clicks and let you take control of your privacy in a very easy way.
6,456 个用户
X-Forwarded-For Header
This extension allows you quickly to set the X-Forwarded-For HTTP Header
6,067 个用户
Java Redirector
Redirects your Browser to the newest version of the javadocs.
5,278 个用户
An extension necessary for carrying out Netpanel study.
5,201 个用户
4,743 个用户
Save ChatGPT as PDF
Turn your chats into neatly formatted PDF.
4,594 个用户
将ChatGPT深度集成到浏览器中, 提供如快捷聊天窗口, 搜索引擎和常用网站集成, 选择浮动工具等功能.
4,154 个用户
ProtonDB for Steam
Shows ratings from on Steam
3,492 个用户
Black Menu for Google™
探索 Google 的世界从未如此简单
3,408 个用户
Textarea Cache
Allows to save automatically the content in a text input field.
3,176 个用户
Auto insert furigana (振り仮名) on Japanese kanji.
2,947 个用户
GoPlay Extension
Allow Playback for GoPlay Server 2, Server 5, and Server 8.
2,927 个用户
Media Grabber
MediaGrabber simplifies the process of downloading online media content, including videos, music, and images, from various websites with ease.
2,436 个用户
Session Alive
Keep your Session Alive at any website and never get logged out. Forget the session timeout messages. Multi-Account Containers supported.
2,387 个用户
Debrid-Link Plugin
Downloader & Seedbox. Premium link generator and torrent downloading.
2,289 个用户
JavaAPI (Javadoc) Redirector
打开Java SE API文档页面时,重定向到最新版本。 要重定向到的版本可以选择更改为Java 6-23。
2,196 个用户
Подборка туров клиенту в два клика!
2,152 个用户
Super Lightweight User Script and Style Manager
1,723 个用户