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7 个用户
Strip tracking redirects when browsing RFD.
7 个用户
CareSquad AI - Free scam detection for anyone
We use AI to protect you and loved ones from scams. Scam detection for tech support scams, phishing, shopping scams and more.
7 个用户
HideMyUser MozAnd
Дополнение дает возможность скрыть личность пользователя подменяя IP, UA and Cookies в целевом браузере. Формат строки импорта данных: "<proxy> <user_agent> <cookies>" proxy - [ip:port:login:password] user_agent - [user_agent:::user_agen
7 个用户
Send Web pages to Frankie - the private, pay-as-you-go GPT chat.
6 个用户
Redirector (Unofficial)
An improved fork of Einar Egilsson's Redirector project. Automatically redirect content based on user-defined rules.
6 个用户
Checkbox Controller
A Mozilla Firefox extension that allows users to easily check or uncheck all checkboxes on any website.
6 个用户
An extension which allows to be able to be set as the default search engine.
6 个用户
Is this AI?
Calls to try to guess if the content of the page you're looking at is generated by AI.
6 个用户
Sunsetvault is an exclusive build of the popular open source password manager, designed for internal use by SETG.
6 个用户
6 个用户
IP Check
Показывает всю информацию о вашем IP адресе
6 个用户
URL Original
Protects users against website impersonation and phishing, ensuring safe browsing and personal data protection.
6 个用户
Block third-party requests for some mobile sites.
5 个用户
Domain Extractor
Extracts the domain from the active tab and check the domain are in the database
5 个用户
Popcorn Chomper
This extension block all the bad sites that are contributed by me and the community
5 个用户
Ad Cleaner
A simple ad blocker for Firefox.
5 个用户
Vault Extension
Every click, swipe, and search you make uncovers massive amounts of your data each day – and brands are getting rewarded for it, so why shouldn’t you! Take back control with the Vault browser extension! Download via the Vault app to opt in.
5 个用户
YouTube Ad Blocker (Advanced)
Blocks YouTube ads by blocking specific network requests and updates a badge showing the count of blocked ads.
5 个用户
Netzilo Secure Browser
Netzilo Secure Browser
5 个用户
TMO Redirect Cleaner
Evita que tmo le redirija al cambiar de capítulo
5 个用户
Summarize with IA the terms and conditions and privacy or data policies of any site, with simpliterms.
5 个用户
Automatiza la resolución de captchas en el portal del SAT con inteligencia artificial.
5 个用户
KyberLock Universal
Quantum-proof encryption for any email, plus Passwords.
4 个用户
YewTube Redirect
Enhance privacy and enjoy ad-free YouTube with seamless redirection to
4 个用户