iMaker WebSite SEO Check
SEO optimization tools, dead chain query analysis, image alt missing check, external chain query, META query
10 个用户
Amazon -> Geizhals Suche
Dieses Plugin erkennt, wenn du auf einer Amazon Produktseite oder in der Amazon Suche bist, und öffnet für dich per Klick auf das Icon, und zeigt dir die Suchergebnisse dort an.
10 个用户
SVG Extractor Pro
Finds and loads SVG images from web pages
10 个用户
Вимикає показ російськомовного контенту у результатах пошуку Гугл
10 个用户
TMGM Link Redirector
Instantly redirects your current tab to TMGM's Main Site or Portal with one click.
10 个用户
PrivacyX is an all-in-one extension designed to fully protect your online privacy. It instantly clears all digital traces, including sent and received requests, browsing history, cookies, saved passwords, cache, and downloads. It also blocks all trac
9 个用户
Ensure secure and private Google searches with this extension.
9 个用户
Abdal Clean Google Links
Removes Google tracking parameters from search result links.
8 个用户
Akichan link
Adds links to the website.
8 个用户
WHOIS Lookup Info
Displays WHOIS information for the current website with a dark glassmorphism style.
8 个用户
Shift Click Select
Easily select large portions of websites without needing to drag range selectors around, using two simple buttons; "Start Selection" and "Expand Selection". Great for text to speech and other use cases where mobile text select can be problematic.
8 个用户
Based Highlighter
Pure and simple perfect webpage highlighter. Just select the text, right-click menu option to highlight. All your saved highlights displayed on a single index page, with import/export. Highlights displayed (of course) when you reload the page.
8 个用户
It's like a Time Machine for your browser. Search through everything you've seen and find that thing you don't know where you looked up.
8 个用户
An anonymous and free shortener link and redirect service.
7 个用户
7 个用户
IP Change Notifier
Tracks your IP address and notifies you if it changes.
7 个用户
Jobs Filter
A little helper to diminish junk jobs from the feed
7 个用户
A simple extension to add and reuse frequently used dorks with one click
7 个用户
Ukrywanie ogłoszeń OLX
Dodatek pozwalający zmniejszać/ukrywać ogłoszenia na liście wyszukanych. Pomocny przy przeszukiwaniu listy, by wiedzieć które ogłoszenia nie są interesujące, bądź są już obejrzane.
6 个用户
MediathekView Filter
Filters out keywords from MediathekView results.
6 个用户
An unofficial port of GitOwl for firefox. GitOwl provides a sidebar with contextual insights to help you navigate the world of open source.
6 个用户
Multi Search Context Menu
generates automatic searches from a word list using the context menu.
6 个用户
Поиск на
Добавляем поиск на в Firefox
6 个用户
Winning Products Tracker For COD Network Affiliate
Cette extension est spécialement conçue pour identifier et suivre efficacement les "produits gagnants" sur la plateforme COD Network Affiliate, permettant aux affiliés de repérer les produits les plus performants et de tester les produits sans ADS
6 个用户