Reviews for Bookmarks Organizer
Bookmarks Organizer by Sören Hentzschel
79 reviews
Developer response
posted 17 days agoIt's not possible for every website to be checked by an add-on. Please report affected websites instead of giving bad reviews without any actionable feedback for the develper.- Rated 1 out of 5by gf1701, 2 months agoUnfortunately, this extension results in an extremely high percentage of false-positives, so at the least, you absolutely should not use it to delete the bookmarks it marks as errors. I copied the results to a Word file, excluding the 1614 warnings, which seemed to be mostly bookmarks with a URL starting with HTTP instead of HTTPS (they work, with your Web browser automatically changing it to HTTPS). Bookmarks Organizer found 246 “errors” out of 3087 bookmarks. I checked 10 of them. Two of them were indeed dead links. The others turned out to be websites that are now HTTPS instead of HTTP, and (as I noted above) the browser links to the correct address. I think that renders this extension useless. I liked the idea of cleaning up my bookmarks, but it’s really not a big deal. They’re not causing any harm. I can live with the mess more readily than I can erroneously deleting good bookmarks.
Developer response
posted 2 months agoWith all due respect, this review is cheeky. Of course, the extension is just a tool and you should always check what you delete. Common sense tells you that. In the end, the reliability of the result depends above all on the website's servers and the stability of your own Internet connection. The fact is that not every website allows you to query its availability automatically, and not every internet connection can cope with a large number of simultaneous requests. However, you have this problem with every extension of this type without exception. In fact, the Bookmarks Organizer is so smart that it handles this better than many comparable extensions. And finally, for cases that cannot be checked, there is firstly a whitelist, and secondly, problems with certain bookmarks can be reported at any time so that I can put them on an internal list and they no longer provide false results for anyone - which you have not done. Instead, you just throw out the worst rating, even though the extension does exactly what it can do. And, by the way, experience has shown that the vast majority of users don't get that much false results. But, as I said, it depends on external factors, and it simply cannot be completely avoided.
Also, "websites that are now HTTPS instead of HTTP" will never be treated as errors by the Bookmarks Organizer, that's just not true. Calling this extension "useless" without providing any meaningful feedback for the developer is a really bad behavior.
That's sad. - Rated 1 out of 5by VilCoyote, 6 months agoAttention!
Suite à un scan pour supprimer les liens "cassés" (qui les avait trouvés mais impossible à supprimer) je n'avais plus la possibilité de supprimer ceux-ci manuellement.
Il m'a suffit de désinstaller l'extension pour reprendre la main sur mes marques page.Developer response
posted 6 months agoWhat you write is not possible at all. You always have the full control of your bookmarks. It's technically not possible that you have to uninstall the add-on to delete your bookmarks or to do anything else with your bookmarks.
Please ask for help instead of giving bad reviews for no reason. - Rated 1 out of 5by Christian Alain Martel, 8 months agoBookmarks Organizer by Sören Hentzschel slowed down my computer to a point where I couldn't work, and provided absolutely no features to help me organize my bookmarks. Plain vanilla features like broken links, doubles, etc have no real added value. Doubles often are used as a web page has material of interest in more than one level of your bookmark hierarchy, and broken links have value as many times web sites are updated and still exist, so if you still have the broken link you can find the original web site and mark the new corresponding page. This app isn't ready for use. Useful features would include moderate CPU use to work in background and allow user to continue to work, capacity to not just find a book mark in your library but locate where in your directory tree it is located, assistance in classifying bookmarks, etc.
Developer response
posted 8 months agoWith all due respect, this review obviously only serves the purpose of devaluing my work. All the features are known before installation and nobody would install the extension if they didn't like it. No, the extension won't slow down the computer. The Internet speed, yes, because the extension has to open many bookmarks at once to check them. This is how EVERY extension of this type works, without exception. To say that features like detecting broken bookmarks have no value is nonsense. Because that is the main function for which an estimated 99.9 percent of all users use this extension. It is also strange that with almost 14,000 active users, you are the only one (!) for whom it is supposedly not possible to continue using the computer.
I'm always grateful for constructive feedback, but none of what you write is really tenable.This has nothing to do with construtive feedback, this is only defamatory. - Rated 1 out of 5by Tom, a year ago4 mal probiert. Entweder passiert garnix oder FF stürzt ab. Schade
Developer response
posted a year agoDir müsste selbst klar sein, dass das nicht normal sein kann. Wieso man dann das Bewertungssystem missbraucht statt einen Fehler beim Entwickler zu melden, erschließt sich mir nicht. Folgendes sind Tatsachen:
- Es ist bei mir nicht eine einzige Fehlermeldung eingegangen, was das MINDESTE sein sollte, bevor man jemanden schlecht bewertet.
- Es passiert nichts und Firefox stürzt ab sind zwei komplett unterschiedliche Symptome. Und von beidem höre ich nach so vielen Jahren an dieser Stelle zum allerersten Mal überhaupt.
- Wenn Firefox abstürzt, ist das ein Problem von Firefox, nicht der Erweiterung. Die Erweiterung kann nicht für die Stabilität des Browsers verantwortlich gemacht werden.
In einer Sache gebe ich dir recht: Schade. So eine Vorgehensweise finde ich wirklich sehr schade. Da opfert man seine Freizeit, um anderen Nutzern kostenlos etwas zur Verfügung zu stellen, und wenn etwas nicht wie gewünscht klappt, wird erst einmal schlecht bewertet statt konstruktives Feedback an den Entwickler zu geben. Das motiviert nicht gerade, weiterhin kostenlos Dinge zur Verfügung zu stellen. - Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 13234083, 2 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by relem, 2 years agoNo instructions, goes off and starts a menu item, then never finishes. It will count up the items reviewed, but stops about one half to one third of the way through the entire set. just the 3 balls bouncing.
Developer response
posted 2 years agoInstructions for what? You just have to press one button. And I got zero (!) bug reports for the current version. So even if you say you have a problem it's clear that you didn't report anything to me. Please don't abuse add-on ratings for support but contact me on GitHub to get help. This kind of behavior is to blame when developers stop providing free add-ons for Firefox. - Rated 1 out of 5by Mugitus, 3 years agoThe extension finds duplicate bookmarks, but these have to be evaluated one by one. There is no bulk processing option. Also it is not shown in which bookmark folders the duplicates are stored. So, for me the extension is useless.
Developer response
posted 2 years agoThat's not true - It *is* shown where bookmarks are stored. And yes, the duplicates mode is limited but it's a) not the primary focus of this add-on and it's b) already clear *before* you install the add-on - there are screenshots showing the features. So I don't understand the reason for such a bad rating. The half is not true and the other half is not a surprise. - Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 17364957, 3 years agoMost of the websites with "errors" are loading fine when I open them manually. And there doesn't seem to be a way to change delay between requests or timeout settings.
Developer response
posted 2 years agoIt's not a matter of add-on options. For me it works with thousands of bookmarks like a charm. Of course add-ons like this (and any othe broken bookmarks checker!) work better with a stable internet connection. If your internet connection is not able to handle many requests at the same time it will lead to more false negatives. That's the nature of such add-ons. As such it's seems a bit a unfair rating to give only one star. - Rated 1 out of 5by 63kk0, 3 years agoGot through over 19500 bookmarks, and it froze on the last 2! I left it alone for a good half hour before giving up. Sadly, this process took several hours, and was very resource intensive while running. The process appeared to be fruitful, there were many dead links to remove, but what good is it if it hangs just before completion?
Developer response
posted 2 years agoThe only known case for such a thing was when bookmarks were added when a bookmarks check was already in progress. That's fixed in Bookmarks Organizer 4.0. - Rated 1 out of 5by Jerry, 3 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 14713373, 3 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by iMilazzo, 3 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by NO, 4 years agoNo way to actually delete duplicates. Finds them, great! No way to delete them. I had enough and uninstalled.
Developer response
posted 2 years agoOf course you can delete duplicates, it always was possible. Can you please test again with a current version and re-review? Thanks! - Rated 1 out of 5by Kelue, 4 years agoAs others have said, this is HALF of a really great addon. The search and duplication check is fast and accurate. But then it's like the developer just decided that was good enough and stopped there. The inability to delete more than one bookmark at a time, and EACH deletion requires you to click a confirmation box, renders this completely and utterly useless.
Developer response
posted 4 years agoThere was no "decision" to stop. I accept pull requests. Everyone is invited to contribute. - Rated 1 out of 5by bhrgunatha, 4 years agoBEWARE: This add-on DOES NOT copy tags when it replaces a redirected URL. If you have tags and value them do NOT use this to replace redirects. Destroying your data is unforgivable.
Also this has obviously not been used or tested on a large number of bookmarks (I have over 2000) and it is a usability nightmare for two main reasons.
First, there is no way to select multiple URLS and apply a single action (remove duplicate or change a redirect).
Second, there is no way to use the keyboard to navigate or interact with the dialogs so you are forced to move and click with the mouse.
I AM aware there is a "Change ALL redirects" but this is dangerous e.g. many websites redirect to a login screen when you are logged out so now all your bookmarks for those sites would be for the login screen. Once again you need to adress these one-bu-one which I DID do only to discover my tag data deleted.Developer response
posted 4 years agoThere is no WebExtension API at all for tags. And what you described about tags is documented in the description of the add-on. If you don't read the description that's your fault, not the developer's fault. It's not okay to give a bad review just because you didn't read.
It's also not okay to tell it was not tested on a large number bookmarks. I have more than 5,000 and it works for me. - Rated 1 out of 5by Michel, 4 years agoWorks badly enough to be unuseable.
Finds as "broken" perfectly working, recent, fast bookmarks, so you have to check one by one everything it finds.
Does not say why the link has an error. Eg. if it doesn't answer, is broken (404), has an authentication error (which can be OK since you are not logged on), etc. so the results are useless.
It is not possible to mass-delete a group of bookmarks anyway.
Quite slow altogether, even with a 1Gb link it's slow.
Doesn't cache the results even for a little time so if you inavertendly close the result windows while checking for actually broken links, you must start over again.
Can't stop a running task, so if you started over again and find it too long, you can't cancel it to search for something else.
Can't choose where to start or which folder to check, it's all or nothing.
Won't remove obsolete separation lines, so if you deleted a number of bookmarks you get a collection of useless separation lines in the folder.
Will do nothing to actually "organize" your bookmarks, the name is misleading.
You cannot whitelist a folder.
Bye bye.Developer response
posted 4 years agoIt is not really slow if you think about it how the Bookmarks Organzier works. While I could make a few changes to make it a bit (not a lot!) faster if would mean that the quality of the results could no longer be the same. From a quality POV the Bookmarks Organizer has the most advanced algorithm to determine if bookmarks are still valid or not. We talk about bookmarks. I think false results are really bad for bookmarks. That's why I used an quality-focused approach.
Giving only one star just because it hasn't all the features you would like to see is a very bad way to interact with an add-on developer. There are no surprises at all, I described in detail what this add-on offers. So if it's not enough you could could know it before you installed the add-on. One star makes sense if the add-on does not hold what it promised but that's really nothing you could say about this add-on.
FWIW, I accept pull requests for enhancements and new features. - Rated 1 out of 5by Forby, 4 years agoKatastrophe: Sah nach einem zweiten Durchlauf alle meine Lesezeichen als Fehler an und löschte sämtliche. Tipp: vorher Lesezeichenbackup machen!
Developer response
posted 4 years agoMit Verlaub, aber das ist GELOGEN. Der Bookmarks Organizer löscht niemals von alleine Lesezeichen. Der Bookmarks Organizer löscht ausschließlich Lesezeichen, wenn du den Befehl zum Löschen gibst. Das ist ein Fakt. Es ist vom Code des Bookmarks Organizers her technisch gar nicht möglich, dass das von alleine passiert. - Rated 1 out of 5by aringx, 4 years agoEvery DELETE must be confirmed -- if there are hundreds, just annoyng
Developer response
posted 2 years agoNo. You can disable the confirmation dialogs in the add-on's settings. Can you please test again with a current version and re-review? Thanks! - Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 14784338, 4 years agoThe scan feature is extremely fast, the fastest from the extensions I've used of this nature thus far. However, the lack of a delete all or a checkbox system to make that part of the process faster makes this utterly useless unless you only have a handful of bookmarks. At which point, you could do everything this extension does manually anyway. To make matters, better or worse, when deleting a bookmark you have to manually confirm its deletion.
I don't know about other users, but the reason I need an extension like this is because my bookmarks are in the 10,000 range (actually used to be more like 50,000 but it got better). Because of this, not only is it important that the scan feature is reliable and relatively quick, but the ease of what comes next is also important.Developer response
posted 2 years agoThank you for the feedback. I understand it but it's still hard to give only one star if the scan feature (that's the most difficult part!) does work well.
I hope to find the time for a better multi bookmark UI in the future. - Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 16634054, 4 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 12370795, 4 years agoGot stuck after having analysed all my bookmarks for several hours.
Developer response
posted 2 years agoCan you please test again with a current version and re-review? Thanks! - Rated 1 out of 5by M.Zed, 4 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 16187194, 5 years agoFinds fairly well all errors and duplicates but it's simply horrible trying to delete all of them. Uninstalling fro FF
- Rated 1 out of 5by Joe Broom, 5 years agoDeveloper: "I think I'll automate the collection of information, but make actually doing anything with it as hard as possible!"
You can't even tab to the button you want to push on the popup.
Windows 3 had a better UI than this.Developer response
posted 2 years agoI am the developer and I never said something like that. If you're an UI expert please contribute your knowledge or even code. Otherwise please watch your tone and stay respectful to other people who develop thinks like this in their spare time and provide it for free.
The confirmation dialog can be controlled with the keyboard. Please test again with a current version and re-review. Thanks!