Reviews for Eagle - Save images faster than ever
Eagle - Save images faster than ever by AugusChen
9 reviews
- Rated 4 out of 5by RevoDont, a month agoThis addon is very good, i have the premium version of eagle desktop but the only thing the is bothering me is the the delay in releasing update 3.1.0 for Firefox. It's been two weeks since it was released for Chrome and Edge, but so far nothing for Firefox. I exclusively use Firefox.So for now its a 4 star when they launch the 3.1.0 version i change the review to a 5 star.
- Rated 4 out of 5by LikeableArtist, a month agothe New feature "auto detect image" in the batch image is not working properly on my machine.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Jibby, a year agoThis is almost perfect, but the one thing it's missing is the ability to save an image with its original filename instead of the alt text. I'd use it a lot more if that was possible. Hope it can get added.
- Rated 4 out of 5by 红衣, 3 years ago您好,2.5.1版本中不知为何去掉了右键后按(z)保存图片的选项!这个功能真的太重要了希望能继续保留!Eagle拖拽或许很酷炫但是对于平时也有拖拽网站图片用于其他操作的人来说是冲突的!所有不得不把Eagle拖拽关闭,而这时右键后按(z)就起到了很好的补助和平衡作用,现在把这个功能去掉简直是个灾难,虽然我可以安装使用旧版本,但我还是希望能恢复右键按(z)保存的功能,谢谢开发者。
Developer response
posted 3 years ago嗨,其实我们也不希望把这个便捷的功能移除,但我们发现最新版的 Firefox Add-ons 已经不支持这个功能,即便我们特意设定了(&Z),在新版浏览器上也会毫无作用。
若未来版本 Firefox 把这项功能修复回来了,我们会在调整回来,如果您仍有疑问,请通过 给我们发送讯息,谢谢您的支持!!🙌🏻 - Rated 4 out of 5by toyz, 4 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by FiXen.Un, 5 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by DRAKYLA, 6 years ago