Reviews for InFormEnter+
InFormEnter+ by Mykola Onyshchuk
15 reviews
- Rated 4 out of 5by Proudo, a year agoEach time I have to restart firefox, informenter loads an empty profile. I have to manually load my saved profile every time. It's very annoying.
Apart from this issue, the addon works pretty good, I've been using it for ages ;) - Rated 4 out of 5by ichiro.shi, 4 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Derek, 5 years agoSeit der FF Vsn 79.0 taucht wieder ein altes Problem auf: nach dem Lauf des CCleaner mit der ausgewählten Fkt: -> Bereinigen Internet Cache wird das eigene InForm- Enter-Profil in FF gelöscht. Mit der Backup-Fkt kann die Textdatei aber leicht wieder eingespielt werden.
Lösung: Im CCleaner unter FF die Box vor Internet-Cache NICHT selektieren, dann bleibt das eigene InForm-Enter Profil erhalten. ;-)
Insgesamt ein sehr gutes Addon - must-have! - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14275428, 7 years agoTrès bonne idée presque aboutie. Ne marche pas avec les champs suivants :
Téléphone ## 06...
Email ##
Date de naissance ##j~~m~~aaaaDeveloper response
posted 7 years agoDans le certificat, il est écrit qu'il est nécessaire de masquer les champs au contraire:
06 ... ## Téléphone
... @ .... com ## Email
j ~~ m ~~ aaaa ## Date de nassance
C'est comme ça que ça marche.
P.S. Si vous utilisez ~~ dans une ligne, vous voulez que les lignes "j", "m" et "aaaa" soient insérées non pas dans une, mais dans trois champs consécutifs. - Rated 4 out of 5by dlvtr, 7 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Harry Haller, 7 years agoI was looking for an addon to simplify filling in name, address and e-mail into forms. Other addons were too complex. InFormEnter+ accomplishes the task in an easy way.
There's only one big problem with multiline text fields: the "resize" symbol (on the bottom right corner) is covered by the InFormEnter+ symbol, so that the resize function isn't available any more. I hope, this will be solved soon.Developer response
posted 7 years agoYou can change the marker's standard position to one of the 3 other predefined ones by right-clicking on it. - Rated 4 out of 5by martineau, 7 years agoI have used InformEnter for a long time, but recently started getting annoyed with the little blue arrow showing up in almost every input box. Since I see no way to turn it off and instead invoke a pop-up menu with a left-click (the way it used to work) I have disabled it.
Update 1:
I don't know how to reply to Mykola's response below, so will edit my review because since it's the only way to respond to his message.
The menu I see when I click on the toolbar button has a title which says "Profile No1" and the items underneath it are only "Options..." and "Enabled" (the latter is checkmarked). Clicking on "Options..." just takes me to the about:addons page for the extension (which has no menu either). This means I can't preform the steps you're suggesting.
Note: InformEnter+ v0.827 is the version I have installed in Firefox ESR 52.5.3 (64-bit) on Windows 7 Pro.
Update 2:
Since there's no version compatible with the version of Firefox I'm using, guess it's back to "disabled" (or "remove") for me. Not too big of deal because the LastPass add-on I also use will fill in whole forms (as well as passwords).
Thanks for your contributions.Developer response
posted 7 years agoClick toolbar button and select in popup menu third icon (with red cross) - marker (blue arrow image) will be absent.
Update: Current version is 0.861. Since version 0.842 it is possible to turn of marker. You need to update extension in Add-on Manager to see new icons below "Enable" menu item.
Update2: Unfortunately new versions are compatible with Firefox 53 or newer. - Rated 4 out of 5by Killertomate , 7 years agoI liked this addon very much but now, as already observed before, all profile data are erased when closing Firefox. I use version 0.852 and Ghostery, uBlock origin and delete the history of Firefox (57.0.2 (64-Bit)) regularly.
Any ideas how to fix this would be great, I've no idea.Developer response
posted 7 years agoI created new Firefox profile, installed InFormEnter, Ghostery, uBlock origin in it and filled some InFormEnter profiles. Tried opening and closing Firefox many times and cleared all history but, unfortunately, all InFormEnter data was stored.
Try to use export / import features to create and restore InFormEnter backup. - Rated 4 out of 5by CVilleGal, 7 years agoI like the add-on however, even after reading the explanation you provided both on another review and on your website, I don't see how this would be useful, primarily because I clear history using ccleaner and also other programs that clear it as well, in addition a cookie eater. So it would not save the information in history. I save it in the profile itself. Wouldn't it be more simple to give the ability to the user to download the profile in a text file to their desktop and not in history? I guess I won't update as I don't find that useful and do not wish to give permissions for it. I used the other informenter for years and never had a problem. It did not require history permission. This isn't my phone, it's my computer, I do not want to give more permissions than are absolutely necessary. This for me is NOT necessary.
Developer response
posted 7 years agoIf you open addon sources you will find only one function from downloads API:
It is need for profiles` export. Unfortunately permission for it has name
"Download files and read and modify the browser's download history".
Addon does not read or modify your browser's download history - see sources. - Rated 4 out of 5by tipar, 7 years agoIt is a little hard to configure when you just installed it but after "playing" a while with the options you will master it in ten or twenty seconds tops. It is very user friendly and easy after that period of adaptation.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13461334, 7 years agoVery good add-on I use for a long time, but every time I close Firefox (57.0, 64 bits) and later I start it up again, the profile is back to the default 3 entries...
Developer response
posted 7 years agoThis bug fixed in 0.842 version. Unfortunately new version will be available to update only November 19. - Rated 4 out of 5by nottledim, 7 years agoNew version unannounced so that was a bit disturbing. But the new version seems to work OK. In fact the old one was begining to struggle to see all the fields in some forms. The new version seems better.
Converter doesn't replace # with ##. I'm not sure if that's change or my profile has always been wrong!
But thanks, it's one of my most used apps and it holds me to Firefox rather than succombe to temptation of Chrome! - Rated 4 out of 5by cslillie, 7 years agoWhy does it keep forgetting the items in my profile almost every time I start Firefox 58.0 b3? I close Firefox, then later I start it up again and the profile is back to the default 3 entries. Hmmmm......
Developer response
posted 7 years agoJust installed Firefox Nightly. Unfortunately, profiles are saving and loading. Are the bookmarks saved in your Firefox? - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13428860, 7 years agoNOW 2022: I still love and use this add-on, but there is one thing I am finding verrry annoying: The little blue arrow often plops itself down right on top of the "eye" sign that you click on to make a password visible, and no matter what I do--like changing the size using Ctrl and + or -, that little arrow still sits right there on top, preventing me from seeing the password. Won't you please make it moveable, somehow?
Original rev., 5 years ago
This is really a great addon, which I use a lot, and I'd give it 5 stars, except that it's such a pain to lose the whole list of items that I use whenever the addon is updated. And I couldn't figure out how to carry through with the explanation given this time for getting one's profile back, so I have just done all that typing over again.
I used to think that the loss was the fault of FireFox, but now, for the first time, I have learned that it has to do with InformEnter updates, and I had left it on "Default," rather than having it automatically update. (To tell the truth, I still don't understand what "Default" means for addons because it seems to me that update was made to be either on or off, so what was this third choice of "default"? Neither "on" NOR "off"??? What the..., Mozilla?)
Anyway, thank you for keeping on updating this addon, as FireFox keeps changing. I wouldn't want to lose it. - Rated 4 out of 5by einerdinger, 7 years agoHi! Just found a little problem on the site (for TV series fans). On the upper right corner is an entry field for searching stuff on the site. Using Informenter+ the menu appears and is then partially covered by some graphic object of the site (the yellow menu bar). The items not visible cannot be selected. I'm using Win7/FF 56.0.2