Reviews for Quick Dial
Quick Dial by matmoul
62 reviews
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 12536070, 7 years agoПриложение вроде как работает не плохо, перешел на него с FASTDIAL, но вот есть одна проблема, отсутствует автоматическая сортировка при удалении ссылок, приходится приводить все в порядок в ручную, а это очень, очень неудобно. Исправьте пожалуйста, чтобы можно было автоматически отсортировать закладки
Developer response
posted 7 years agoSorry, at this time, I don't have handled a sort feature...
I'm very busy but you can open an additional issue on github to leave a trace for this request... - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14147717, 7 years agoКак можно экспортировать и сохранить все закладки? У Fast Dial была папка в меню "закладки", здесь такого не нахожу.
How can I export and save all the bookmarks? Fast Dial had a folder in the "bookmarks" menu, I do not find it here.
P.S. Нашел! Ложная тревога)
P.S. Found! False alarm)
P.P.S. Дополнение некорректно работает со скролом мышки Logitech MX Master 2S - если закладки занимают более двух экранов, то попасть на второй экран невозможно, все три экрана прокручиваются за один шаг скрола вне зависимостей от его настроек.
P.P.S. The add-in does not work correctly with the mouse scrolling Logitech MX Master 2S - if the bookmarks occupy more than two screens, then it is impossible to get to the second screen, all three screens scroll in one step, regardless of its settings.Developer response
posted 7 years agoI'm not sure what your problem is, but if you have problems, you can use PageUp / PageDown to navigate between pages ...
Open an issue on to add a scroll value in settings - Rated 4 out of 5by ERP for Startups et PME, 7 years agoBonjour,
Avant de vous laisser qqchose par paypal :-) Pouvez-vous me dire pourquoi, quand je lance Firefox.... c'est bien la page quickDial qui se lance mais tout est noir ... Quand j'ajoute un site... il n'apparait pas.... Cela arrive souvent et je dois chaque fois supprimer complétement le module, le rajouter ensuite... Cela fonctionne mais les vignettes et l'ordre sont perdus.... Ceci dit c'est fantastique ce module un gigantesque merciDeveloper response
posted 7 years agoBonjour, je ne suis pas sure de ce qu'il vous arrive mais il est certain qu'en suppriment le module puis en le réinstallant, les paramètre sont perdus...
N'ayant encore jamais eu un retour comme celui-ci, je suspecte un conflit avec une autre extension...
Si vous souhaitez développer ce problème, je vous encourage à ouvrir un issue sur github : - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13999084, 7 years agoany way to move dials between multi-pages?
--nvm found the answer on github. thx for addon - Rated 4 out of 5by The Beard Below My Chin, 7 years agoIts a good add-on. Folders are great, bookmark integration book. Not very intuitive to use.
@Lantzgd Right click on the Quick Dial page for options! Dials are stored in Bookmarks. Press Ctrl+Shift+B and then go to 'Bookmarks Menu' then 'Quick Dial' folder to manage them. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14031254, 7 years agoNice work!
even better if we could drag bookmark from one page to another - Rated 4 out of 5by suikoy, 7 years agoVery nice addon!
4 stars and not 5 because there are no option to backup/restore your settings (I think that each extension should provide this feature...)
Last thing: an option to refresh every dial would be really useful - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13740890, 7 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13777575, 7 years agoEsta extensión es lo que estaba buscando. Que tuviera compatibilidad con el sistema de marcadores de Firefox, limpia, sencilla y configurable.
Aún le quedan algunas cosas que le vendrían bien para mejorar en cuanto a la parte estética y sobre todo la parte de configuración, pero lo que hay está muy bien y se puede adaptar a diferentes modos. Para mi prima más lo práctico y esta extensión lo es. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 12043317, 7 years agoSimple, ergonomique et pratique.
Paramétrable à souhait.
Par contre, de gros lags depuis la dernière mise à jour de Firefox (58.0.1), voire un blocage.
Avec ce message : "Une page web ralentit votre ordinateur. Que voulez-vous faire ?"
Plus de problème, c'était "juste" une cochonnerie glanée sur un site douteux qui s'était installée pour pourrir le système.Developer response
posted 7 years agoJe n'ai pourtant pas fais de mise à jour et cela fonctionne bien sur mon PC FF 58.01...
Je pense que la cause provient de la syncro qui est effectuée avec tous le favoris au démarrage...
Avec trop de favoris ou un ordi un peut lent cela peut poser quelques problèmes.
Je vais retravailler ce point dès que possible... - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13742779, 7 years agoIt is a good and simpel dial with a highly customizable grid while most others have so much complex useless extra options, but can't handle some simple things.
Just one concern:
When finally does the "Quick Dial" button opens a tab in the same window instead of a new one?
This is really annoying and I think you said you are working on this one several months ago.Developer response
posted 7 years agoSorry but I've some other priority that is to improve the storage system...
But contributors are welcome on github - Rated 4 out of 5by Plastic Planet, 7 years agoThis Speed Dial replacement is very good, but it needs to offer the possibility for ordering the bookmarks in alphabetical order. That saves a lot of time man !! Thank you very much for this remake.
Developer response
posted 7 years agoI'm very busy but look on github if it has an issue for that.
If not, you can open an issue... - Rated 4 out of 5by HPS, 7 years agoJust waiting for an option of automatic "actualise" each 24/12/6 hours.
J'atttends juste une option pour l'actualisation automatique tous les 24/12/6 heures.Developer response
posted 7 years agoAt this time, it's difficult because I need to handle the refresh and the capture in new tab.
But I'll provide a feature in the futur - Rated 4 out of 5by eriador, 7 years agoI'd appreciate if you added the possibility to change the font used for the names of the bookmarks (it defaults to a serif font on my machine).
Developer response
posted 7 years agoIt's difficult to provide a good UI to set font but Quick Dial is ready for that...
You can open a debug window (F12) and type in console :
app.settings.grid.cells.titleFont = 'YOURFONTNAME';
After that, make a change on Quick Dial (Add a bookmark , move a tile, ...) to save your change.. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13480120, 7 years agoI can report that reseting of bookmarks settinngs is happening also for me.
But with diffrence that corrupted storage.js storage file is not created or somehow is cleaned before I find it.
This is same problem as @RustyTrombone reported. (will not speculate here what can be culprit, but FF routines is not excluded).
I really like the addon, and it's usefull.
This issue can be relly irritating for users with a lot of bookmarks.Developer response
posted 7 years ago
But i'll try to find a more robust solution - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13565797, 7 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefoss, 7 years agoIt works great BUT...
The extension can read the content of any web page you visit as well as data you enter into those web pages, such as usernames and passwords. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13449514, 7 years ago1) - В контекстном меню нет возможности добавить открытой web страницы в созданные группы.
2) - Нет возможности сделать "обновить все" например для всех элементов папки
3) - Если содержимое Quick Dial не помещается на весь экран можем скроллить, но перетянуть элемент (Дип) из одного экрана на другой не получается, приходится менять кол-во строчек и столбцов, что бы переставить ссылки (Дипы )в нужном порядке.
4) - Отсутствует возможность полного резервирования/восстановления настроек и созданных групп, папок (Дипов).
5) - Добавить возможность отдельно изменять размер окон/дипов в под папках/группе.
Ну и в заключении хочется задать вопрос разработчику.
Как скоро будут обнавления и возможность сказанного?
1) - In the context menu there is no possibility to add an open web page to the created groups.
2) - There is no way to make "update all" for example for all items in a folder
3) - If the Quick Dial content can not be placed on the whole screen, we can scroll, but you can not drag the item (Deep) from one screen to another, you have to change the number of lines and columns to rearrange the links (Deepy) in the desired order.
4) - It is not possible to fully backup / restore settings and created groups, folders (Deeps).
5) - Add the ability to separately change the size of windows / depots in the folder / group.
Well, in conclusion, I want to ask the question to the developer.
How soon will the exposures and the possibility of what is said be?Developer response
posted 7 years agoMany requests, difficult to reply here.
If you want request and track new feature, your welcome to open an issue on Github for each cases. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13541215, 7 years agoNice app. Could you add an option to open a dial on a new tab?
Developer response
posted 7 years agoThis feature exist, in Quick Dial settings, Grid tab, you can set how you want open link and folder...
If you don't have the feature, make your update. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13539450, 7 years agonice app! =)
i make 2 screenshots of what i had before - can you pls check it and say - can you make this?
if short: can i have settings on EVERY screen (example: on 1st screen 6x4 dials, on 2nd screen 4x3 and so on)
i dont like to use folders btw(( i used tabs before in Fast Dial...
and btw - pls make MORE than 2 screens for dials... i full them all now... add function pls in settings "add XX screens"
thx 4 working on app :)Developer response
posted 7 years agoAt this time, you can only set one layout for all page of the addon.
It's possible that in the future I'll add more features for this but I need more time...
I'm not sure I understand the 2 screens for dial, not tested with more...
I'll test with more when I have time...
For the screenshots, this not possible as his... - Rated 4 out of 5by Lain, 7 years agoAdd a search bar
Add a option to edit position of "Back Button"
Add a Scroll Option
Add Individual config by Group.
Add a option to add direct in a group one page.
Allow to move dials between groups.
Add a option to edit the size and design of the Folder or Favorite individually
Add a option to move the folders and favorites free on the page.
Do not rush, make the ideas you think are good, or find it interesting to improve the app.Developer response
posted 7 years agoI need to clone me to reply to all requests...
You can open issues for features request on Github but I can't reply to all... - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13137001, 7 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by xyz2, 7 years agoThe extension is very good. Could you add the possibility to be added to FF-Android? This will be the best!