Reviews for Tab Stash
Tab Stash by Josh Berry
39 reviews
- Rated 4 out of 5by zomboid, 2 months ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Pierrerodrigue, 3 months ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 15160960, 6 months agoMy only problem is that the Tab Stash allows you to save duplicates.
Developer response
posted 6 months agoTab Stash does allow duplicates, yes. It used to remove them, but in my experience, this caused some pretty surprising behavior that people were unhappy with (sometimes creating duplicates is intentional), so I haven't found a good way to bring this functionality back yet. Thanks for the comment though! - Rated 4 out of 5by GenericUser, 10 months agoA bit buggy and slows down my browser (due to storing tabs as bookmarks but not fully closing the tab) turning the extension off and on fixes the browser. (turning off and on the extension also results in a hundred or so tabs of bookmarks being reopened but holding ctrl + w fixes that quick issue) (I think this may just be due to a limitation of the browser or some kind of bug)
Developer response
posted 10 months agoTab Stash uses Firefox's built-in tab-hiding feature to hide stashed tabs instead of closing them entirely. This allows the tab state to be preserved (vs. closing the tab, which loses all the state). If you accumulate too many hidden tabs, Tab Stash will unload them to make sure your browser doesn't slow down.
If you find this bothersome, you can change Tab Stash's settings so that tabs are entirely closed instead of hidden. There is also a "middle ground" option to unload hidden tabs immediately, so they remain open but don't use any resources.
Hope this helps! - Rated 4 out of 5by LiberaEspero, a year agoСвои задачи прекрасно выполняет, хотя ещё и не совершенно. Функций побольше, чем может показаться на первый взгляд. Однако многие из них придётся поискать, потому что документация, к сожалению, далеко не так хороша, как само расширение.
Не забывайте про зажатый ctrl, с ним можно выбирать и стакать несколько вкладок, а не мучаться с сохранением по одной или только папками/всеми открытыми.
Ещё из недостатков:
- Отсутствует перевод. Если с английским у вас сложно, для чтения документации придётся воспользоваться переводчиком или пробовать всё методом тыка, что, кстати, более чем выход, т. к. базовых функций немного.
- Вложенные папки (nested folders) работают ещё не очень хорошо. Точнее, сами папки более чем, а вот добавление в них новых ссылок пока что требует раскрыть содержимое папки, что не всегда удобно. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 5905964, a year ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by aforest, a year agoThis is an excellent add-on with a great UI and the ability to import and export to multiple formats with zero lock-in. The only thing I find missing is the ability do disable the address bar button which I only click by accident and don't really find useful.
Developer response
posted a year agoFirefox unfortunately removed this option recently, but I'll look into whether it's possible to offer in Tab Stash itself. Thanks for the suggestion! - Rated 4 out of 5by thunder_dream, a year ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Josh, a year agoNice Add-On... quite helpful in many ways... some very neat ways... however, a lot of trial & error experimenting is needed to realize the depth of capabilities in TAB STASH.
A fully developed "HOW TO BEST USE TAB STASH" with all How TO in one, organized location, would make things a lot easier.
For example, using the new SubGroups capability, for which we are all grateful, is less than intuitive (at least for me & a couple of others), it would be nice to get an overview of how it works. Thanks.Developer response
posted a year agoThanks for your comments! Definitely agree that some experimentation is required to get the most out of Tab Stash, and it's not always intuitive how to use it (a thing I am constantly working at improving).
I'll keep your suggestion of a how-to in mind! - Rated 4 out of 5by Luke, a year agoReally great, would love to be able to customise how/where the folder of tabs is saved though, rather than going Other Bookmarks > Tab Stash > saved-timestamp. Let me specify location and name either in options with rules, or as I hit the button, and it'd let me organise my tabs into bookmarks just perfectly. Still, very good! Much better than OneTab and other solutions for getting tabicitis under control and saving them to bookmarks. Finally someone did it!
Developer response
posted a year agoThanks for the feedback and the kind words! I'll keep your note about rules in mind for the future. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 18142251, a year ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by DJUNBAO, a year ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Simita Norbert, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by A., 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by MaCool, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Najiluj, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Umbrus, 2 years agoThis looks to be a really good replacement for some other tab management addons/extensions I've used, but it has one major issue: It can only read tabs from the current window. This is an issue for me, as I often have 4-5 browser windows open, each with 10+ tabs. That said, this extension does not appear to focused on tab management as much as it solely focused on *saving* tabs, and for that it functions incredibly well.
Developer response
posted 2 years agoThanks for the review and the feedback! You're absolutely right that Tab Stash is a little different from other tab managers in that it's more focused on clearing away tabs and getting them into a place where they can be organized.
That said, there's an open feature request for showing tabs from all windows, and it's something I do want to implement eventually. If you're on GitHub, you can subscribe to it to be notified of new developments: - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14556372, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by donewithusernames, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Xisdse, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 17602781, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by kqdssheng, 3 years ago使用上体验很好,完全碾压onetab,但就是占用CPU太高,启用它之后火狐进程占用CPU从不到2%猛飚20%,电脑没一会功夫风扇就呼呼的吹个不停。
- Rated 4 out of 5by db, 3 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by John01, 3 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Andreas, 3 years agoHi, love this extension. but im currently experiencing alot of ram usage to the point where firefox is useless... i have a AMD Ryzen 9 5900X and 16gb 3000MHz ram.
Developer response
posted 3 years agoHi, if you suspect Tab Stash is causing high RAM usage, please feel free to open an issue on GitHub and I'd be happy to help you troubleshoot.
Note that by default, Tab Stash will unload older stashed tabs to prevent memory use from growing too high, and the defaults are calibrated even for lower-spec computers with less memory than yours. So absent a bug, you should not have to worry about memory usage with Tab Stash.