Reviews for WebScrapBook
WebScrapBook by Danny Lin
14 reviews
- Rated 4 out of 5by Supriyadi, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by noone, 4 years agoI just wanted to know how i can stop the auto-capture from making new folder every time for the same URL and instead skip or overwrite the same files.I'm sorry i searched a lot through the settings and wiki but couldn't find anything (also I'm not that knowledgeable with this stuff so i didn't understand a lot), its not just auto-capture but capturing a page twice still creates two folders
Developer response
posted 4 years agoThis is probably something not yet implemented. If you'd like to provide a feature request, it'd be better to raise an issue in the source repo ( or send an email, and provide more details (e.g. Do you use a backend server? What is your use case and intention?) as it's not easy to discuss in this Addon site (we won't receive any notification from an update of a comment).
cf. thread of the original request: - Rated 4 out of 5by pknag, 4 years agoI have been using ScrapbookX for many years and using waterfox for compatibility. However it is time for me ditch it and use FF. Installed the extension and configured the backend server. Took a little while to get used to it. I really like it in many ways. For one it is a lot faster. I have 15Gb plus data and previous version in waterfox will make the browser slow to a crawl. This is lot faster presumably because the backend handles the data.
But one thing really slows down productivity is not being able to select the folder to save the capture. For full capture I can drag the url from location bar to the folder. But for plain bookmarks it is a pain. My folder list is huge and nested. So dragging the last item to appropriate location becomes a huge time sink.
I noticed it has been reported before both in reviews and on git issues. And you say it is complex and I understand that. Any idea when this will be addressed?
I was thinking something simple like using Ctrl key while dragging the url to a folder could be customized to bookmark capture.
Anyway let me know what you think could be a simple solution.Developer response
posted 4 years agoTo capture as bookmark you can drag URL with Alt pressed.
Another way to achieve this is to use "capture as..." and set the "parentId" using JSON (You may have to copy the folder item ID and the snippet manually somewhere beforehand, though).
Since WSB allows lots of customization, including batch captures, we haven't find a nice design to configure them using GUI. It's welcome if you have any nice design idea for a GUI that can replace the JSON. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 15416805, 5 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 15415204, 5 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by GarryPotter, 6 years agoHello. I am glad that there is an extension for new versions of Firefox and for Chrome.
Let me express your wishes: 1. Let the saved files be smaller (example: the Mozilla Archive Format extension for firefox saves to a file of 292 kb. And the WebScrapBook extension saves this page to a maff file size 1 869kb)
2 Let the files saved by this extension open in GoogleCrome by double-clicking the right mouse button, and not through a special dialog.
Regards - happy user.
p.s I apologize if it is not clear, English is not my native language. I am writing through an online translator.Developer response
posted 6 years agoThank you for the feedback. About your proposals: 1. You can adjust the capture options to get a less size, but most of them are at the cost of reduced faithfulness to the original web page. 2. Double-clicking the right button for commands is not supported by the WebExtension API, and is not compatible with Firefox for Android, so we simply cannot do it. - Rated 4 out of 5by bharatgkmsrgroup, 6 years agoWork great but sometimes stop working that's why 4 star
- Rated 4 out of 5by baoTwin, 6 years ago很感谢你提供scrapbook x 这么好的程序。可惜quantum update带来了很大的局限。
一个小的想法,不知道您评估过没有,swap scrapbook x 的 file repository to IndexedDB, (
thanks.Developer response
posted 6 years ago有考慮過 (,基本上還有許多問題未解決,目前不考慮實做。 - Rated 4 out of 5by Chris Bertrand, 7 years agoWeb ScrapBook is very useful to save as MAFF archives.
I only miss an additional button in order to be able to save the page directly (with no menu).
Since I have hundreds of MAFF files, I had to make a small software to be able to open them directly.
I published this program here:
Feel free to download and use it.
It has been made for all MAFF lovers. - Rated 4 out of 5by York Thrasher, 7 years agoI am looking very forward to get my former Scapbook back.
This tool already goes in that direction and I thank you a lot! - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13445915, 7 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by jjclub, 7 years ago請問有辦法import scrapbook.rdf? 我可以用site index但是我想要以前我命名的folder name回來
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13354063, 7 years ago非常好的应用,firefox升级后一直在寻找替代品,这个基本功能是可能满足了。有个小问题想请作者能不能解决下,选项里如果勾选“将获取数据保存于剪贴簿中”,将自动保存网页,但是其文件名是自动分配的一串数字;如果不勾选,会提示选取保存地址,并且以网页标题为保存文件的文件名。我希望能够自动保存时,以网页标题作为文件名,如何实现?
Developer response
posted 7 years ago勾選「儲存於剪貼簿中」時,所有檔案或資料夾皆儲存為標準 ID 格式,以支援站台索引器的交互參照結構;不勾選時則模擬瀏覽器儲存網頁的做法,自動產生檔名並且讓使用者選擇儲存位置。目前並未支援「自動儲存且使用網頁標題為檔名」的做法。