Hyper Read
Makes the first half of every word bold, promoting easier reading.
24 users
DN Fixer
This fixes the paywall on DN.se
24 users
Links for later
Save links to look at later
24 users
Browser Injector
Injects CSS and Javascript into pages.
24 users
포털(네이버, 다음)에서 불량뉴스를 알려주는 extension -PC(윈도우, 맥, 리눅스)의 Firefox는 이 addon 을 설치하면 동작. -PC(윈도우, 맥, 리눅스)의 구글 크롬, MS Edge, 네이버 웨일에서 chrome extension 설치 가능 -안드로이드의 kiwi browser에서 chrome extension 설치하여 동작 -애플 ios에서는 ios15 출시 후 safari browser에서 동작 예정
24 users
DictZone német magyar szótár
1. Jelöld ki a nem ismert szót az oldalon. 2. Kattints a jobb egérgombbal a kijelölt szón (helyérzékeny menü előhozása). 3. Kattints a bal egérgombbal a "Keresés a DictZone Német-Magyar szótárban: ..." keresésednek megfelelő menüpontján.
23 users
Firefox add-on for RaspberryCast
23 users
Nyaman Tanpa Iklan
Nyaman baca berita Kompas tanpa terganggu iklan yang menutupi 90% konten
23 users
Q Speed Dial
Speed dial to Quantum version of firefox. Use Alt+1 to Alt+9 Keys to open defined webpages on new tab. This is heavily under development, but wanted to share ASAP as Quantum broke my favourite speed dial that mimics Opera likeness.
23 users
Unicode Smiley
Extension pour afficher les codes Unicode des smileys Unicode.
23 users
Better Trello
Better Trello is a browser extension that enhances the Trello experience.
23 users
Hide Google Search Favicons
Hide favicons from your Google Search results! Less cluttered, less painful.
23 users
Solid Motivation
Solid Motivation is a browser extension available for both Chrome and Firefox. It transforms your new tab page into a real-time counter displaying your age — in years, down to many decimal places.
23 users
Cashback Service – SecretDiscounter.com
SecretDiscounter is your one-stop for Cash Back shopping online. Earn up to 40% cash back on every purchase! Over 4,500 stores & thousands of coupons, promo codes, deals and discounts. In-store cash back. Highest cashback rates. Free to join!
23 users
Jitsi Emojis
Complete emojis for Jitsi chat application.
23 users
Lexend for Firefox
Format pages using the Lexend font.
23 users
Maximize WhatsApp™ Web
Enable full viewport for large aspect ratio screens on WhatsApp™ Web.
23 users
SCP Classifications for Furaffinity and E621 Posts
23 users
Generate per-tab display of tab count for TreeStyleTab
23 users
Youtube Shorts Blocker
A simple Addon that blocks Youtube shorts so you can spend your time more productive.
23 users
Automatic Unit Converter
Automatically converts different (American) units to their SI/Europian counterparts
23 users
FL Favourites 1899 - Classic
Original Colour Scheme! A new and updated version of the Fallen London Favourites addon for use with the online game, Fallen London. Enable/disable specific storylets and cards to prevent misclicks! Forked from gasovn (in turn forked from kav2k)
23 users
They're not charts, Roblox!
Changes the new roblox "charts" back to Discovery.
23 users
BPIP Extension
Provides additional features to BitcoinTalk.org using data from BPIP.org
23 users
Rewrite //m.* links on web.whatsapp.com
23 users