YouTube Thumbnail Viewer
Displays Youtube thumbnails of current tab
23 users
Google Drive Percentage
Displays zipping progress in percentage when downloading stuff from Google Drive
23 users
Vebiz Eklenti
Vebiz Eklenti
23 users
DeRound YouTube
gimmie dose sweet sexy 90° angles
23 users
Bravo, vous êtes sur internet
Joue le son de cette vidéo quand vous lancez votre navigateur, pour vous féliciter d'être sur internet.
23 users
Reflektive is an employee development platform that allows coworkers to give each other real-time feedback directly from their Gmail inbox.
23 users
VK Next Dark Theme
Красивая темная тема для Вконтакте
23 users
Substack Banner Fixer
Prevents the Substack banner from re-appearing when you scroll.
23 users
Replace your new tab page with the Bible Verse of the Day.
23 users
Discreet invisible messenger for Facebook
Changes and hides the visual of the Facebook messenger page to appear like Outlook email client. For every hard worker.
23 users
Literary Clock
Shows time in quotes from literature, on a dark background featuring the earth as it was ~12 hours ago (adjusted for your time-zone).
23 users история цен
История цен для
23 users
Hide Tweet Views
Hides tweet views on Twitter.
23 users
No 'More' Yahoo!
Directly opens external links on Yahoo main page ( in a new tab. No need to load the one-paragraph Yahoo popup just to click the 'Read More' button to get to the actual external article any more.
23 users
Random Generator
Generates numbers, decimals or a password for you. Within a small & responsive extension popup! Quit visiting a password or number generator website when you can do it here! PS: This is my first plugin, and i appreciate any feedback/suggestions!
23 users
Dark Mode for Google Meet
Dark Mode for Google Meet
23 users
Improve Moodle global experience.
23 users
Displays a popup where you can add notes for your web pages
22 users
22 users
一つのカレンダーをあらゆる端末から使えるよ フリーカレンダーはほとんどの端末からアクセスできて、学校で授業の間、職場のPCしか開けないとき、自宅のリビングでタブレットしかもっていないとき、電車の中で携帯しか開けないとき、どこからでも書き込みできてその内容はほかの場所で別の端末でも閲覧できるようになっているよ。だから、スマホやPCでカレンダーアプリがごちゃごちゃして、どちらに書いたか迷ったりする必要がなくなるよ。スマホで書いた内容がリアルタイムでPCで書き込まれているのは見るだけでも面白いよ。
22 users
AVT - Assistente Virtual Trabalhista
Esta extensão se destina a profissionais de advocacia, perícia judicial e serviço público na Justiça do Trabalho, tendo como objetivo oferecer ferramentas de gestão de processos, otimizando trabalhos e interligando sistemas com melhorias constantes.
22 users
pOT Enhancer
Enhances the browsing experience on
22 users
LiveChat Extension
Webextension for LiveChat
22 users
Download UI
Provide user a better download user interface.
22 users
Librefox HTTP Watcher - Red flag
Extension that makes the whole url bar red when browsing an http site.
22 users