Adds a dedicated stop button to Firefox.
1 user
Most links to career and jobs pages are hidden away at the bottom of websites or in some arcane menu. Thanks to the use advanced AI your browser will always let you know when a website might be offering some jobs.
1 user
Trash Opinions
Removes the NeoCon section from the Washington Post, and whatever insanity is trending on Twitter.
1 user
Mediapart Onepage
Always display <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/5a9ff4e0dd85749b49b04a48ef962c6df57b4251da9b8a6adde969587e0b2566/http%3A//Mediapart.fr" rel="nofollow">Mediapart.fr</a> articles on one page
1 user
Litcharts Dark Theme
A modern dark mode for Lit Charts
1 user
Covid-19 World Tracker
Covid-19 world tracker to get the latest statistics on covid-19
1 user
Replace a new tab page with your own wallpaper. A new tab without distractions.
1 user
Clean Up the Web
Firefox extension that cleans up the web. DOM elements with certain IDs and class names are automatically removed from the DOM, in order to provide a better user experience.
1 user
Removes Fact checking prompts on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/577585700e711c66b2f847e9c2ba66f07706960fe129e88008d23cb2a93a014c/http%3A//youtube.com" rel="nofollow">youtube.com</a>.
1 user
Browse links on a HackerNews thread, fast!
1 user
Assignment Tracker++
Changes new tabs page and homepage into an assignments tracker, editable directly & via right-clicking on assignments.
1 user
One And Only
Easy find that one website you stumbled onto one crazy night and couldn't find again.
1 user
Darkmode für TH Köln Moodle
Darkmode für TH Köln Moodle.
1 user
Reformats the profile page of wfm.
1 user
Corona Cyrus
Replace all mentions of coronavírus with Miley Cyrus
1 user
Annoyed by a sticky header or intrusive pop-up? Remove any element on the page in one click! Simple and doesn't need any permission.
1 user
Customise your Cambridge Raven login raven.
1 user
Inject Xdi8
Add Xdi8 on Chinese characters.
1 user
1 user
Switch between http-S
A button to quickly manually switch between httpS and http for current tab
1 user
Eine 'newTab' Erweiterung. Diese gruppiert Lesezeichen und ermöglicht einen einfachen und schnellen Zugriff auf diese.
1 user
FRC Kickoff Countdown
Start every new tab with a countdown to the next FRC Kickoff!
1 user
New Brand Tab
Firefox Brand styled new tab page with clock and date.
1 user
Redirect to Original PTT
Just Redirect
1 user
Shows HTML as turnable Page.
1 user