Extend Jira capabilities by adding a visualization of Blocked tickets to the cards in Jira. It adds a text when a ticket is blocked by another ticket
1 user
Une extension pour masquer la barre des onglets.
1 user
Better Gatry
General improvements for <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/26368a3d48ea9763fd5796cc18bbc5ad6a77be7042ab88b1b2b6944f4e7edffb/http%3A//gatry.com" rel="nofollow">gatry.com</a>
1 user
Lectio Header Away
Fjerner headerne for dagene fra Lectio (<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d392d1e70f6a5a63b8cc45401de00f11e2817dcea0a684a9a620df72704d2eb6/http%3A//www.lectio.dk" rel="nofollow">www.lectio.dk</a>)
1 user
Add a clock to the browser.
1 user
Will hide comments on youtube containing words that you blacklisted.
1 user
Who to NOT follow
Removes the follow suggestions from Twitter.
1 user
Hacktoberfest Detector
A very simple addon that shows an alert message if a repository is opted in to DigitalOcean & GitHub's Hacktoberfest initiative. This addon is not affiliated with Hacktoberfest itself.
1 user
Darkmode für TH Köln Moodle
Darkmode für TH Köln Moodle.
1 user
One And Only
Easy find that one website you stumbled onto one crazy night and couldn't find again.
1 user
Assignment Tracker++
Changes new tabs page and homepage into an assignments tracker, editable directly & via right-clicking on assignments.
1 user
Mediapart Onepage
Always display <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/5a9ff4e0dd85749b49b04a48ef962c6df57b4251da9b8a6adde969587e0b2566/http%3A//Mediapart.fr" rel="nofollow">Mediapart.fr</a> articles on one page
1 user
Corona Cyrus
Replace all mentions of coronavírus with Miley Cyrus
1 user
Clean Up the Web
Firefox extension that cleans up the web. DOM elements with certain IDs and class names are automatically removed from the DOM, in order to provide a better user experience.
1 user
Replace a new tab page with your own wallpaper. A new tab without distractions.
1 user
Browse links on a HackerNews thread, fast!
1 user
Removes Fact checking prompts on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/577585700e711c66b2f847e9c2ba66f07706960fe129e88008d23cb2a93a014c/http%3A//youtube.com" rel="nofollow">youtube.com</a>.
1 user
For now just removes sugestions from the youtube homepage
1 user
Google search cleaner for shitty stackoverflow clones
1 user
New Word Tab
Learn a word per new tab
1 user
Hide the comment field in Mildom stream.
1 user
Темная тема РешуЕгэ
Корректное темное оформление сайта <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/897e24f7e737ad01f11b88bb4a35d4ae77fa6f60a640f9fd9cd7ce58350739a4/https%3A//sdamgia.ru/" rel="nofollow">https://sdamgia.ru/</a>.
1 user
密码保管箱 (Password Box)
1 user
Saul Goodman Images
Sets all images the add-on recognizes as an image in a website to and image of Saul Goodman
1 user
Ninova Beautifier
Modern Design for Ninova
1 user